Quality of life will diminish directly as a result of Labour's latest house-building pledge, says Nigel Farage

WATCH NOW: Nigel Farage discusses Labour's house building pledge

GB News
Nigel Farage

By Nigel Farage

Published: 12/12/2024

- 21:13

'We have to provide one new home every two minutes just to keep pace with levels of immigration in this country'

In common with the last Government, there is a target to build one and a half million homes during the lifetime of this Parliament.

It’s just that Labour seem to be rather more determined to do it because they are quite prepared to totally override local district county councils, and local unitary authorities.

They are just going to do it, and this includes redefinitions of what counts as Green Belt land, some of it potentially being designated as being Grey Belt.

Now, if this comes to disused garages or empty car parks or vacant pubs, well, you might say that all makes sense.

Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage discusses Labour's house building pledge

GB News

But there will be, especially across the Home Counties, real, genuine worry about what it means for green spaces, about what it means for gaps in between villages.

And by the way, when all these houses get built, there were no more GPs, no more school places, no more roads. Your quality of life will diminish directly as a result of this.

Now whether they can actually meet the target, I very much doubt, without importing huge amounts of foreign labour, which of course, in turn, will mean even more demand for houses.

Right now, we have to provide one new home every two minutes just to keep pace with the levels of immigration in this country.

The truth of it is we must build over green belt land, all over our nation, just to house those who have come to this country over the course of the last 10 years.

However, we have a serious housing shortage. What are we to do?”