£75m to 'smash the gangs' - pull the other one Mr Prime Minister - Kelvin MacKenzie

Keir Starmer

Kelvin Mackenzie

By Kelvin Mackenzie

Published: 04/11/2024

- 15:10

Kelvin MacKenzie is the former editor of the Sun newspaper

We are only four months into this Socialist nightmare and it already feels like a lifetime under the commissar’s yoke. My sense is that Labour MPs aren’t too happy either as instead being welcomed wherever they go with rose petals, they are like, the King of Spain, met with handfuls of mud.

For instance, The Telegraph reports that Starmer’s MPS are finding a massive pushback from constituents who say they are ‘’horrified’’ by the tax increases in the Budget.

In a tweet I suggested that if MPs want a warm and friendly reception, they should select where they know only train drivers or benefit scroungers live.

One MP told The Telegraph; ‘’I have been talking to my agent and other Labour Party members- people are horrified by it. It was an impossible sell because it is framed by the winter fuel allowance as well as the free clothes that Cabinet members have had.’’

Their demeaner can’t be helped by Rachel Thieves going on TV yesterday to explain that she wished she had never promised she wasn’t going to raise taxes. She explained this astonishing U-turn (taking lying way beyond even Boris levels) by saying she was told by Treasury officials after the General Election that there was a £22billion black hole.

Of course that was a lie too. The Office of Budget Responsibility says the ‘’hole’’ was £9billion. The troubles with Reeves is that she is telling so many lies that she can’t remember them all. On TV she was defensive and agitated while Badenoch alongside her was relaxed and smiley. That situation will continue.

The problems piling up for Labour mean, as I keep on saying, that they will be a one-term party but through favouring the state workers (they represent only 5 million of the 34million workforce) and constantly increasing benefit handouts they’ll be hopeful they can bribe people to support them.

It won’t work. And here’s why.

There won’t be any growth in the economy and this will cause Rachel Thieves to come back to the country seeking another huge tax increase within a couple of years. The unions will refuse to recognise the perilous position our nation is in and demand unreasonable pay increases.

The country will absolutely hate Labour for the nightmare we will then be in.

After all we are only 120 days into the biggest political massacre in history and already the Tories are ahead of Labour in the polls. Almost everything Labour say is a lie and the rest in unachievable.

Take the push by Starmer and his hopeless handmaiden Yvette Cooper to make us believe they have a plan to ‘’smash the gangs’’ with £75million of your money. Hardly enough to pay for a night at a Premier Inn.

And the whole idea was destroyed on BBC’s R4 Today programme by Kevin Saunders, former Chief Immigration Officer for Ports. This is a guy who saw the problem first hand. It wasn’t a guess and it wasn’t seen through political spectacles. He told it how it was.

First of all, said Mr Saunders, nothing will stop the boats- or to use his words ‘’not feasible’’- until there was a deterrent. He was asked about Rwanda and he said it should have been given a chance. Totally agree.

His second killer point was that Channel migrants were destroying their passports so that if they were rejected for asylum there was nowhere to send them back to as we couldn’t prove where they came from. So, they stay here. By the thousand.

An hour after that interview Cooper gave a lamentable performance on the same show in which she basically said that having good relations with the EU would be the answer. Not it won’t. They like that 35,000 migrants a year are coming here because it means they won’t be staying on the Continent and being an expensive problem for them.

Her worst response was saved to the passport point made by Mr Saunders. She claimed that we mustn’t give up just because the migrants had been clever. I agree. But what is the solution?

Unfortunately, there isn’t one.

Nobody is going to take these illegals back if they haven’t got papers. It’s as simple as that.

The migrant issue will be another failure for this government. So, my bet is that they will have their arses kicked over the next five years and then thrown out with at least as big swing as threw them in.

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