A captain of industry has finally come to Britain's rescue...and two enemies stand in his way - Lady Judith McAlpine

Patrick Christys issues direct offer to Elon Musk
GB News
Lady Judith Mcalpine

By Lady Judith Mcalpine

Published: 19/01/2025

- 06:00

OPINION: Conservative Party donor Lady Judith McAlpine heaps scorn on our politicians and journalists who complain that Musk is not British and should, therefore, keep his nose out of our increasingly unsavoury politics

I'm watching the current political and therefore economic chaos from a slightly more comfortable position than most of those I know in that my age means I won't have to suffer too much of the consequences. With any luck, I'll be dead before the idiots completely destroy our world!

But what has happened to logic? To rational thinking? I know "politics" has always meant one group of people throwing mud at another, but have we now reached an all-time low? Is "social Meeja" to blame? Oddly I think not: this force is too recent an entrant into the game. If I asked Boris he would be able to give me chapter and verse about the very first record of political mud-slinging and it would probably have a date of thousands of years BC.

I am not so learned, but I swear that even through the war and its ghastly aftermath, politicians were polite. Vicious? Maybe, but they were polite, and they all appeared to have the good of the country at heart.

Constructive debate finds solutions. Mud-slinging and bitchiness simply postpone any chance of finding solutions.So, politicians are singing from party hymnbooks and, as has become the norm, are more interested in destroying each other than actually looking after our once great country. Hardly anything is really being done other than hideously destructive financial measures that no one seems to have the power to oppose.We clearly cannot believe a word either party issues as it is merely meant to denigrate the opposition, not to inform the public. To whom do we turn for an accurate view of what is happening in this country and the outside world?

Elon Musk (left), BBC (top right), Keir Starmer (bottom right)A captain of industry has finally come to Britain's rescue...and two enemies stand in his way - Lady Judith McAlpine

Getty Images

How long has our "Auntie Beeb" been dishing out misinformation formulated by her increasingly left-wing employees? When did she begin to employ interviewers (of both sexes) who would never have passed the first job interview in the 50's or 60's? For 50-odd years now, we should not have trusted the BBC to give us unbiased reporting, but we seem to have only realised that in the past ten or fifteen years.

Where do we find the truth? Is it online? Is there truth to be found among the maniacal rants, the weirdos and cranks? I think there may be. Where else can normal people - who are still the majority - express their feelings and opinions? We have mostly realised that talking to our MP is pointless, and so is writing to the press. If they do publish, they can alter your letter.. but in any case, how many will read it? You are boiling with rage, and injustice, and possibly have a very good idea for sorting something and want to say it now and be listened to. So, what do we do? We let it rip on social media, the most powerful tool in the world.

So, to my real point. I hear people complaining and bitching about Elon Musk. "Who does he think he is? "What has it to do with him" etc. Well, I guess he has a very clear idea of who he is, what he has achieved, and how bloody stupid half of those in power actually are! Can you imagine how frustrating that must be? You have a brain the size and efficiency of Musk's, and you are surrounded by well-meaning, perhaps very bright people who simply can't see things as clearly as you. Imagine the frustration?

I always felt that one of Boris Johnson's biggest problems was that his brain was operating on a level that few of those with whom he dealt on a day-to-day basis could either match or understand. I saw him as constantly frustrated by the not necessarily idiots but slightly slower people around him. Musk must have the same problem.

Why should he not comment on what he sees as a total balls-up in Britain? He is a free man with a phenomenal brain. Instead of complaining about his unsolicited comments, we should be saying: "So, Elon, you've made billions by sorting problems - what would you do?"I happen to think Donald Trump has a good brain, too: better, in fact, than I originally thought, as he has brought into his camp one of the most original brains in the USA. He knows that Musk can run rings around him if he chooses, but he has the grace to say: "Can we work together, please?"

Unelected Musk knows that this is an arrangement that can work. Suddenly, he has a chance to tackle all those frustrations boiling in his head. I am green with envy! Show me a seriously successful "captain of industry" from the past few hundred years who has not longed to try to sort out the world, let alone just his own country.

Shame on our politicians and journalists who complain that Musk is not British (he is 25 per cent) and should, therefore, keep his nose out of our increasingly unsavoury politics, apologise and resign. This country needs all the help it can get, and if Musk wants to help us. Grab him!