'Reform rise will trigger END of Tories': Ben Habib reveals TRUTH of traditional Conservatives

Reform UK leader Richard Tice and deputy Ben Habib give a thumbs up among supporters in Wellingborough

Ben Habib

By Ben Habib

Published: 13/05/2024

- 17:36

Updated: 14/05/2024

- 08:30

Ben Habib is the Deputy Leader of Reform UK

In a two party system democracy only works if the two parties are governed well and serve to challenge each other. They must also collectively represent the wishes of the people. None of this is true of the Conservative and Labour parties.

Over the last quarter of a century they have both veered miles off course. Their principal failing has been not just to lose touch with the British people but to cease representing their interests.

The rot started with Blair. He was not satisfied simply to have his time in office to deliver his agenda. He wanted to ensure his policies could not be reversed.

So he set about creating structures and mechanisms to embed his legacy. He successfully undermined a sacrosanct principle of British democracy that no Parliament may bind a successive Parliament.

He did so primarily with the establishment of so called “independent bodies” and by ceding power from Parliament to them and supranational institutions. The first body he made “independent” was the Bank of England.

His justification, which he went on to use time and again, was that it removed the Bank from the grubby influence of economically illiterate politicians.

So were born a raft of regulatory bodies incapable of being held to account by our elected representatives. The Supreme Court, Electoral Commission, Ofcom, multiple financial and other regulators, and many more quangos besides.

He applied the same approach to the EU, UN, ECHR and so on. The more power he ceded to these bodies, the less power we, the people, could exercise via our elected representatives.

Famously he installed the European Court of Human Rights as the supreme judicial body in the UK – even above his own creation, the Supreme Court.

So now, for example, if the people want to stop illegal migration we hear the oft repeated cry: that would be in breach of international law.

In a healthy democracy, the Conservatives would have reversed most of Blair’s awful policies. But they did not.

To gain election, Cameron became the heir to Blair. He gold plated Blair’s anti- anti-democratic agenda. Like Blair, Cameron preferred to take power away from the people and hand it to his friends in the EU and elsewhere.

It is because of the contempt Westminster has developed for the people that it resisted so hard the biggest democratic mandate ever given a British government – to leave the EU.

Had we genuinely escaped the EU’s clutches, a huge amount of power would have been returned to the people. Westminster could not tolerate that.

Johnson, for all his popular appeal, was just the same as Cameron. He did not truly believe in an independent sovereign United Kingdom.

He promised to Get Brexit Done. Instead he gave us two new treaties with the EU and left Northern Ireland behind. He preferred to break the country than properly restore our independence.

To increase their control, these same politicians also wish to break our self belief. They want the sense of being British to be gone.

So, along with this move against democracy has also come an assault on our language, history and culture; and unbridled immigration.

What better way to do away with pesky Britishness than to dilute it away through open borders and multi-culturalism.

The truth is there is now no difference between the Conservative and Labour parties. They are both anti-democratic and anti-British.

They both wish do away with aspiration and replace it with dependency. They do not promote the private sector because they want also to control the economy.

It is because the two legacy parties are so corrupted that Reform UK exists. We are the Brexit Party. We unashamedly believe in the United Kingdom and its right to be a fully independent sovereign nation. We are proud of our language and our place in history.

We care only for our country and its people. And because we stand for democracy and the country, the British people are increasingly looking to us for change.

That change will not be a minor adjustment. It will be a 180 degree handbrake change in the way the country is governed.

We will ditch all these awful quangos and rid ourselves of international interference. We will take Northern Ireland back into the UK. We will slash regulations and taxes.

We will slash immigration and stop illegal migration. We will teach our children to be proud of their country. We will get our country back.

The Conservative and Labour Parties wrongly accuse us of being extreme right wing, xenophobic and racist.

They want to rubbish us because they can see our popular support and their own end in sight if we succeed.

The truth is they are petrified of us – they should be.