No surprise migrants are refusing boats until Starmer wins - Vote Labour, get illegal migrants - Kelvin MacKenzie

Channel migrants Labour election 2024

Channel migrants will increase under Labour, says Kelvin MacKenzie

GB News
Kelvin Mackenzie

By Kelvin Mackenzie

Published: 25/06/2024

- 12:12

Updated: 25/06/2024

- 12:17

Immigrants in Calais know exactly what the Rwanda plan is and are waiting for the government of Keir Starmer

Imagine the scene on beaches across northern France as the news filters across the Channel on July 5 that Labour had won.

The migrants from camps in Calais and Dunkirk would literally be dancing for joy. This is not a guess. The Telegraph sent a senior reporter to the Grand-Synth camp near Dunkirk to find out the thinking of the illegals.

And he reported they all knew about the Rwanda plan and many had put on hold taking to the boats over in the next week as they had heard Labour intends to kill the Rwanda idea from day one of claiming power.

So, they understood they could no longer be deported were they to arrive on our shores. If there is any one reason not to vote Labour it is surely to recognise what is good for the illegal migrants will not be good for us.

An elderly Iraqi woman selling cigarettes, drinks and biscuits from a shopping trolley said: ‘’ I will not go until they make the right decision to destroy Rwanda. I am looking forward to a new government. If things change, I will go.’’

And a 24-year-old student from Sudan, whom was studying English, ‘’When I heard that this man (Sunak) was going to fall, I was like this is going to be amazing. Most of us are still here due to the fear we have about Rwanda. We are praying for the new government to come.’’

There you have it. Couldn’t be clearer. Vote Labour and get this lot. And a lot more.

I thought Rishi Sunak looked a lot more confident when appearing The Sun’s Never Mind the Ballots podcast when he said; ‘’They are queuing up in Calais for a Starmer government so they can come here and stay here.’’

If I were an advisor to Rishi (I love a bet so I could easily run his campaign. Cheap shot) I would focus on the fact under Labour it will be a free for all.

There will be no barriers, so if you think things are bad now wait until our chums in the Middle East and Africa wake up to the fact even a small number can’t be booted back to Africa.

Let’s be honest the Tories have done a bloody awful job on immigration and this has led to the rise of Nigel Farage. Some 12,901 have reached the UK this year, up 17% on last year and up 8% on the previous record of 2022.

What makes me weep is Labour’s intended solution to the problem. This is their plan; A new border security command with 1,000 new police. I guarantee all that would lead to is a massive amount of paper shuffling without one migrant being put off.

The next step is to "smash the people smuggling gangs". And that’s supposed to be an original idea!! What do you think the current lot have been trying to for the last eight years. I’ve always been in favour of sending in the SAS, but wiser heads say this will cause a problem with the French.

I’m not sure about that. The first rounds of the French general election take place on Sunday and it looks like the Far Right (basically Farage with nobs on) are polling at 36% with Macron’s mob at around 17%.

With the new Prime Minister likely to be of the Right, the government, and even Macron himself, might be in favour of us doing the dirty work by the UK knocking off the smugglers.

Even if that were not acceptable, the Yvette Cooper idea of MI5 working with other security partnerships stopping the boats reaching the French coast in the first place would be for the birds. What world do these politicians live in?

The majority of British people are not stupid (although that remains to be tested on July 4) and can see that with Labour immigration is going to be considerably worse. In some ways I fear they want more migrants on the basis they vote Socialist.

That is certainly true among Muslims who until Gaza would vote 80-20% for Socialism and the far Left believe in open borders in any event.

I recognise that most will vote through their pocket and it’s been tough with a mixture of Covid (that cost us £400billion we didn’t have) the Ukraine (energy prices off the scale) and inflation meaning everybody was poorer.

But those issues are receding into history but what is coming at us in increasing numbers is an increasingly large flood of migrants. If you want that to increase vote for Starmer. If you don’t I’d give Rishi one more go.

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