Does Labour hate Britain? Their disdain for our greatest leader would suggest so - Adam Brooks

GB News Will Hollis on Winston Churchill

Adam Brooks

By Adam Brooks

Published: 02/03/2025

- 06:00

OPINION: GB News commentator Adam Brooks slams Labour removal of portraits of Churchill as clear evidence they hold disdain for Britain's past

We currently have a Government that seems to hate all what Britain stands for and it is pretty obvious that they don't care to hide it any longer, they've gained power, they are in for 5 years and they are emboldened with their new authority.

I was never going to agree with much of what Keir Starmer and his merry men and women would do in Government, but I'm shocked at just how brazen they are with showing us just how much they hate our proud history and culture.

Whether it be Rachel Reeves removing the portraits of all of our past Prime Ministers in No.11 Downing Street and replacing them with pictures of founding members of the British communist party, or David Lammy pushing to give our money away to Carribean countries that Britain failed hundreds of years ago, or even this Government doing their best to give away our overseas territory and make us the tax payer pay for the privilege, a clear signal is being sent- Labour hate what Britain was and they will do their best to signal to the World that they are not the same.

We now have sixth form-esque politics, scandal, alleged corruption, constant lies and an economic plan that has petrified the markets and kept interest rates higher than were forecast.

This wasn't what Keir Starmer promised pre election. They are an utter disaster, is it stupidity? Or is it on purpose? I'm still not sure.

David Lammy

Foreign Secretary David Lammy has called for Britain to pay reparations


Earlier, as I browsed social media, my eyes were drawn to a headline on GB News's X account that read: ''CHURCHILL PORTRAITS REMOVED FROM THE PARLIAMENTARY ESTATE''.

This was not a story I was going to ignore, how dare Keir Starmer do this, Winston Churchill is the very reason that we are here right now, or at very least, not speaking in German.

He is a national hero, a man that is part of British history like no other man, so what was Keir and the left wing cabal thinking?!

It is being reported that up to FIVE Churchill portraits have been replaced on the Parliamentary estate, mainly in offices occupied by MPs, according to an investigation by the Telegraph newspaper.

One portrait was of the great man standing by the Cenotaph in 1945, a truly iconic and historically important image, how could they?!

Unfortunately, it wasn't just Churchill that faced the left wing cull, the great Duke of Wellington was thought to be offensive to this mob too, with his images hastily removed after Labour's election victory last summer.

If this doesn't signal Labour's disdain for our past, I don't know what does? If Keir Starmer isn't labelling the average Brit as far right, he's erasing our proud history wherever he can.


Winston ChurchillAs many as five images of Churchill have been removed from parts of the parliamentary estate occupied primarily by MPs' officesGETTY

Joe Biden also removed a Winston Churchill bust from The Oval Office, these lefties just cannot help themselves, can they? There seems to be a constant theme.

Lets remember, in 2005, Keir Starmer boasted about supporting the abolition of the Monarchy and it is reported that he himself ended up on Communist spy files, after joining a Czechoslovakian work camp at the height of the cold war.

Should this worry us? I think so, it is my opinion that he plays a more moderate character, to get exactly where he wanted to be, the leader of the United Kingdom.

I cannot see any sign that he and his Government are proud to be British and have our interests at heart, absolutely no one I speak to can believe at just how bad this Government has been over the last eight months.

They've been a complete disaster, except if you are a union member that they felt the need to give inflation busting pay rises to.

But maybe that has something to do with them funding his Party. I'll let you decide. Whatever your opinion, we clearly couldn't afford to do so.

So, what next? If I'm honest, I'm as worried as you. If I'm not locked up soon for pushing back online, I'll be pushing the best hope for change, that is Reform UK.

Will Reform be perfect? No, but will they put Brits first and fight to protect our history and culture.

That is where my energy and focus will be, let's just hope that this country is still standing in four years time, because at this rate, Labour will have wiped everything that we were once proud of.