Dan Wootton: Write off Donald Trump at your peril!

Dan mono 1 Dec
Dan Wootton

By Dan Wootton

Published: 01/12/2021

- 21:53

Updated: 01/12/2021

- 21:57

'I firmly believe Trump can be president again – if he wants to be'

Write off Donald Trump at your peril.

That is the only conclusion from a fascinating in depth interview between the 45th president of the United States and our own political disruptor in chief Nigel Farage.

Not only did we get the clearest indication yet of Trump’s intention to run as the Republican nominee vs a failed Joe Biden, his catastrophic VP Kamala Harris or maybe someone entirely new in 2024.

We also got an insight into the playbook that Trump will use to try and annihilate the Democrats, after his slim, Covid-related loss last year.

Following the humiliating capitulation to the Taliban in Afghanistan and increasing isolationist tendencies, America’s standing is at the lowest internationally that it’s ever been, Trump says. And it’s surely hard to argue with that?

That was Trump at his best. Although I also loved his balls to continue his campaign to rebrand Covid-19 as the China virus, which should be completely uncontroversial the more we learn about the origins of this thing and the monumental cover-up by the Chinese communist party.

I loudly cheered when Trump defended the legacy of the very handsome and very brave Winston Churchill, who the woke mob want to denigrate as a racist and whose bust was ridiculously removed from the White House by Obama.

And I couldn’t have agreed more when Trump attacked the extremist organisations being given a free pass by politicians and the mainstream media given they were formed on the revolting basis of killing the police.

But it’s fair to say, alongside the good, the bad and the ugly were on display too.

Nigel was rebuffed when he hinted to The Donald that continuing to campaign on his belief the 2020 election was rigged could actually hurt the Republicans at the polls over the next few years if it causes some loyal supporters to lose faith with the voting system.

I firmly believe Trump can be president again – if he wants to be. The buyers’ remorse from independents who backed Sleepy Joe Biden and got a comatose president with a completely incompetent joke of a deputy is extreme.

Trump is dramatically ahead of Biden, according to a string of polls in virtually all the crucial swing states that determine who will become the next leader of the free world.

And he’s targeting new political attack lines, based on inflation and the cost of living thanks to the soaring price of oil since he left the presidency.

Unlike Boris Johnson – who he correctly pointed out has “gone a little bit more on the liberal side” since the election of Biden – Trump will not capitulate to Greta Thunberg and the green mob.

But it’s in those candid and unexpected moments where I think you really get to see if a leader is in touch with his base, with his voters, with his people.

And it was when Nigel asked about Harry and Meghan that Trump gave an answer that will be cheered by tens of millions of folk around the world, while horrifying the metropolitan elite and mainstream media who adore the awful woke warriors.

No other international leader – past or present – would dare utter such words, but Trump is completely right. I think Harry has been played by Meghan. He will end up regretting it.

His relationship with his family is destroyed thanks to his manipulative wife. And both of these chancers have horribly disrespected the Queen, casting a shadow over her twilight years.

Come on, admit it, however you feel about some of the excesses of Trump, it feels great to have a leader who will always say whatever he’s thinking and feeling to hell with the consequences.