Dan Wootton: 'The treatment of Lee Anderson these past few days has exposed the left’s hatred of the working class.'

Dan s mono on Lee Anderson MP
Dan Wootton

By Dan Wootton

Published: 09/02/2023

- 21:27

Updated: 09/02/2023

- 22:46

It’s intellectual snobbery pure and simple.

How pathetically predictable.

After a former miner turned red wall Tory, who understands the real issues facing Brits today and is about as far from the Westminster establishment as you can get, becomes Tory Party Deputy Chairman, the MSM and political class go into overdrive to deride him, to mock him and to belittle him.

The treatment of Lee Anderson – a regular on my show – these past few days has exposed the left’s hatred of the working class.

It was left to Penny Mourdant in the House today to take on the 30p Lee clowns and unveil a far more appropriate moniker.

Today’s confected outrage is around the fact Lee backed the death penalty in an interview with The Spectactor.

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"Nobody has ever committed a crime after being executed. You know that, don’t you? 100 per cent success rate.” - Lee Anderson MP

Now Lee’s position on capital punishment is not a secret.

This is what he had to say on this very show last month about the illegal migrant who stabbed to death the aspiring royal marine Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai after hoodwinking our soft touch authorities.


The hysteria today saw Rishi Sunak say: "That’s not my view. That’s not the Government’s view"

And while the media coverage of the issue today would make you think Lee is somehow on the fringes of society, that’s simply not true.

A YouGov poll just last month found 52 per cent of Brits think the death penalty should apply in cases of multiple murders, with 49 per cent backing it for child murderers and terrorists, and 30 per cent for all cases of murder.

Even though I worry hugely about the risk of a miscarriage of justice, as someone whose policeman uncle was killed by a violent career criminal, I understand why public support for the death penalty remains so high.

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Those politicians attacking Lee Anderson are actually attacking many of the people they are meant to represent.

It’s intellectual snobbery pure and simple.