Dan Wootton: Nicola Sturgeon - the game is up!

30 Dan
Dan Wootton

By Dan Wootton

Published: 30/11/2021

- 21:11

Updated: 30/11/2021

- 21:42

The Scottish First Minister is a political opportunist rather than a serious contender to lead Scotland

If there’s one political leader in the UK who I believe should be hoping the Omicron variant leads to further Covid-19 chaos, carnage and, yes, lockdowns it’s Nicola Sturgeon.

But in my opinion the past 48 hours shows why the Scottish First Minister is a political opportunist rather than a serious contender to lead Scotland.

And smart Scots – both Unionists fed up with her constant divisive separatist rhetoric and Nats sick of her loud talk and lack of action – are finally seeing through Scheming Sturgeon.

The game is up!

And I predict, despite her denials, it won’t be long before she starts to negotiate some cushy job with her liberal mates at the UN or World Health Organisation.

It’s so obvious that’s what her heart really desires now that she surely knows becoming the Queen of Scots is a delusional fantasy.

Sturgeon must realise independence is no longer a pressing priority for Scottish people, who want her failed SNP government to sort out its desperate health system, collapsing ambulance service, spiralling drugs crisis and under pressure education service.

I don’t believe in individual polls, but the trend has become overwhelming of late.

There’s no majority for Scottish independence. Not even close.

Take last week’s YouGov poll for The Times which said that independence from the UK was EIGHTH in the list of Scottish voters’ concerns.

Yet Sturgeon still bangs on. Because she knows she has to. Even though there’s zero chance of a serious second referendum being granted, given the SNP’s cast-iron promise the last vote was a once in a generation opportunity.

I think Sturgeon knows there’s a benefit to her in this crisis dragging on.

And the Sturgeon we saw most comfortable yesterday was not at the SNP conference.

But rather the authoritarian Covid leader at the official governing podium opining over the controls she wants over her people.

She reacted with trademark hysteria to the Omicron variant, insisting the Westminster government hadn’t gone far enough and that they should immediately fund a new furlough scheme for Scotland.

There were demands for Scots to keep working from home, to stay muzzled and to be forced to self-isolate for at least ten days after daring to go on holiday…

But I hate to break it to Sturg.

Covid is becoming endemic. There’s only so long you can weaponise the fear of a virus against your people.

And there’s only so long you can use Covid to delay your promised 2023 Indy referendum part two.

Which you won’t win. And won’t be officially sanctioned even if you go ahead with your nonsensical plan to hold a vote anyway.

I repeat: The game is up!