'The BBC is too weak to enforce regulations - Gary Lineker is sneering at us,' says ​Royston Smith

Gary Lineker

Gary Lineker 'is a frustrated politician but doesn’t have the guts to stand for Parliament,' says Royston Smith

Royston Smith

By Royston Smith

Published: 16/07/2024

- 09:13

Royston Smith is the former Conservative MP for Southampton, Itchen

Gary Lineker is back in the news for supporting new Energy Secretary Ed Miliband’s banning of new drilling licenses in the North Sea. As usual, Lineker is sneering at us. His arrogance is as deliberate as it is nauseating.

He is like the petulant child who is goading his parents to see how far he can go before they punish him. He has pushed the BBC before and found himself suspended due to his dreadful comments about government policy and comparing them to the language of 1930s Germany. Grossly offensive and insensitive on so many levels.

But the BBC has become too weak to enforce their own guidelines and regulations, so Lineker acts with impunity. It isn’t that Gary Lineker shouldn’t have opinions on Just Stop Oil or Rwanda or the Qatari Government, everyone has opinions, and they are perfectly entitled to voice them, it’s what he’s saying and from the position that he holds.

As a highly paid and high-profile BBC employee, he uses his position to be personally rude and abusive to politicians he disagrees with.

Take the spat with Jonathan Gullis, former MP for Stoke on Trent North. Gullis suggested that Lineker being a signatory of a politically motivated letter breached the BBC’s impartiality rules. It probably did.

But Lineker’s response was to suggest that former teacher, Jonathan Gullis, couldn’t read. The BBC allowed him to sign the letter and attack a government minister with no consequences whatsoever.

Lineker and his left-wing, wealthy friends have never had to put themselves through what those who genuinely seek to represent people have to go through.

In fact, by his behaviour, and the likes of Carol Vorderman, they make it almost impossible for people to continue representing the public while keeping themselves and their families safe. They are part of the problem and eventually, I think people will come to realise that.

It's not as though Lineker is consistent or principled. Last year he defended Just Stop Oil when they disrupted sporting events, such as Wimbledon. I doubt he would have been as accommodating if they had disrupted any of his sporting events.

He was overtly critical of the Qatari Government and their policies, but it didn’t stop him from attending the World Cup and being paid to do so. Most recently in a snub to the BBC, knowing their ban on advertising, he chose to wear a clothing range he was paid to advertise while presenting the Euros.

The BBC’s guidelines are clear: "Presenters must not appear on-air wearing clothing which they have agreed to promote." I think Gary Lineker has been ’reminded’ of the guidelines but he knew what he was doing.


While Lineker might have some legitimate opinions he would like to talk about, he is doing so primarily from a position which is funded by the British taxpayer, and that of course is not acceptable.

The BBC’s weakness is only hastening its demise. It will be gone within a decade. But it won’t affect Lineker, he will sail off into the sunset with his millions while the BBC collapses in his wake.

He is a frustrated politician but doesn’t have the guts to stand for Parliament and make the difficult decisions that MPs must take day in day out. Anyone can do what he does, but he should not be permitted to do it while taking millions from the hardworking taxpayer.

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