Andrew Tate videos tell us nothing about the crossbow killer - when will we stop this laziness? Adam Brooks

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GB News
Adam Brooks

By Adam Brooks

Published: 14/03/2025

- 13:46

OPINION: I'd put my house on Andrew Tate videos not having anything to do with these horrific crimes, writes political commentator Adam Brooks

Kyle Clifford admitted to shooting his ex-girlfriend Louise Hunt and her sister Hannah Hunt with a crossbow and also to fatally stabbing their mother, Carol Hunt. This man was clearly a crazed and psychotic Indvidual, whose crimes also included the violent rape of his ex, before he killed her.

It is not often that you hear of such barbaric and senseless crimes in this country, but these have truly horrified the public and rightly so.

How we have people with the capability to do such things, freely walking about our towns and cities, is incomprehensible. How can someone be that evil and why did it happen?

Firstly, I can tell you with some confidence, that it wasn't because he watched Andrew Tate videos - a line that is being spun throughout the media in lockstep. We are not stupid.

Did he play violent video games? How often would he take drugs? What sort of porn did he watch? Did he listen to music with violent lyrics? I'm no expert on criminal behaviour, and wouldn't pretend to be, but I'd put my house on Tate videos not having anything to do with these horrific crimes.

Tate is watched by tens of millions around the world, with his style of conversion often attracting the younger males in society. He plays on that. He is clever as to what he says and how he says it, but nothing I've seen encourages anyone to brutally murder a woman or girl that they know, or in any way encourages them to do anything like the horrific crimes that Clifford committed.

Do I agree with much of what Tate says in his videos? The answer is no. Do I think he plays on the craziness of the woke and weird world that we are living in to get views and clicks? Yes. Do I think he talks appallingly of women? Sometimes yes.

Are many of his videos in bad taste? Yet again, yes, but young boys and men know how they should behave around women - as kids, we had it drilled into us by our parents and were taught how to behave around others at school.

It is becoming easy to blame certain individuals for changing attitudes amongst younger generations, but for me, it is clear that the lack of good parenting and good teaching is causing a rise in unacceptable behaviour towards women.

Andrew Tate (left), Kyle Clifford (right)

Andrew Tate videos tell us nothing about the crossbow killer - when will we stop this laziness? Adam Brooks

Getty Images/Hertfordshire Police

We also cannot ignore the types of music now listened to, with lyrics about 'bitches' 'hoes' and 'side pieces'. We can't ignore the violence that is normalised on our screens, on porno sites and now so realistically on computer games, but humans know what is right and wrong.

It is built into us, and it takes a truly evil individual to want to rape or murder a woman, and no social media video or individual can be blamed for triggering that evil - it is already in them.

In addition to Clifford's search history including pornography, he was clearly an aggressive and sexualised individual, and school reports back that up. His brother, Bradley, is also a convicted murderer, and is serving life in prison for his crimes.

Clifford spoke to him the day before murdering those poor women, so what was said on that call? Why not make more of that situation? Two brothers end up as killers - what are the odds? They clearly have severe violence issues in this family, with both brothers ending up in prison for taking others' lives, but no, let's blame Andrew Tate, it is the easy narrative to spin, it suits and will get the headlines.

The crossbow killer was also known to police as a drug user and as a teenager he was charged with numerous drug offences, including possession of cannabis, assault and theft. He was also discharged from the army for 'internal issues'.

Clifford was clearly a violent and dangerous man, well before he was viewing material online from the likes of Tate, so let's stop the easy finger of blame and maybe question how drugs like cannabis can potentially also lead to psychotic behaviour down the line, or maybe the lack of good parenting.

Tate is just one of millions of influencers that can say troublesome and distasteful things online, but the headlines linking him to these murders are utterly ridiculous and very lazy in my opinion.

It's time to look at why many in society are moving away from old school values and stop blaming well-known online 'stars'.