The actions of the Lords only reinforce the peril of giving Labour the keys to No 10, says David Morris

‘It’s been a battle. Labour have tried to block it at every step'

GB News
David Morris

By David Morris

Published: 24/04/2024

- 13:45

'Labour will give us unlimited immigration with higher unfunded spending and higher borrowing'

Morecambe, where my home is and where I’m proud to represent, has been awarded various best beaches awards for cleanliness for over a decade.

It’s a great place to live visit. So much so, we have the prestigious Eden second project coming to Morecambe.

I got £50million, the highest levelling allocation from Government for this to become a reality.

The latest erroneous campaign from Labour is a petition to get your data with false promises of sewerage clean up actions obviously not needed here, and it looks remarkably like the current existing legislation the Government have already enacted.

House of Lords

The bill was debated in the House of Lords


Hypocritically, the Labour candidate in question should lead by example and clean up the fly-tipped poster that was lying in a brook for the last four years since the last election reminding the locality who not to vote for.

So where’s the change? Even United Utilities concur the Government have already done these changes in law.

Again there are myths and false promises being peddled not just locally but nationally. In this case It seems Imitation even under false pretences, is the highest form of flattery.

It’s a shame Labour can’t offer nothing, but only talk Morecambe down and are in denial over the fact that I’ve been driving prosperity in Morecambe and the surrounding area, with hundreds of millions of inward government investment since I became the MP in 2010 after over a decade of Labour managed decline.

Official jobs figures released today show there are now almost 33 million people in employment and an increase of nearly four million since 2010 with payrolled employment near record high, increasing by 204,000 payrolled employees this year.

Real wages have risen for the ninth month in a row, as we stick to the plan to drive down inflation and grow the economy.


Morecambe has been awarded various best beaches awards for cleanliness for over a decade


The stats show that this Government more than halved inflation from 11.1 to 3.4 per cent and real wages have grown again for the ninth month in a row.

This welcome news comes on top of our cuts to national insurance, which save the average worker £900 a year, so people should start to feel the difference as well as see it in their pay cheques.

In my constituency there were 1,945 actual claimants in Morecambe and Lunesdale constituency, which was 3.7 per cent of the population aged 16-64.

This is below the national equivalent UK claimant rate of 3.9 per cent. Over the past year the number of claimants has fallen by 135 in my constituency.

Labour will give us unlimited immigration with higher unfunded spending and higher borrowing but cannot say how they will pay for it because they do not have a plan, driving up inflation and taxes on families.

Also, Labour can’t say how they would grow the economy because they don’t have a plan.

Instead, Angela Rayner and the unions want 70 new regulations that ban flexible working, disincentivise small businesses from hiring and make strikes easier, taking us back to beyond minus ‘square one.’

Talking of Immigration, last week has seen yet again the left's combined contempt for the British people by seeing repeated blocking the Rwanda Bill from the Lords to get strengthening of deportations of illegal immigrants in law.

I firmly believe that when this deterrent is passed the boats will stop coming across.

We are living in precarious times and we’ve seen mass migration across Europe from predominately war zones not seen since the Second World War but that must not deter us from protecting our boarders.

The actions of the Lords only reinforce the peril of giving Labour the keys to No 10.