XL Bully in vicious attack on elderly dog as owner left fearing ordeal 'will finish him off'

Dan Falvey

By Dan Falvey

Published: 11/05/2024

- 11:07

The couple fear others could be at risk from the dangerous animal, which has not been tracked down by police

A woman in Scotland has recalled how her elderly pet dog was viciously attacked by an XL Bully - and warned the dangerous breed has left locals afraid to leave their homes.

Marion Thomson, from Glasgow, said that her neighbours are "terrified" and fear being attacked while out walking in parts of the city.

She said that her own 13-year-old dog Scamp had suffered horrific injuries after an XL Bully launched a vicious assault on the pup while being taken out for a walk shortly before bed time.

Thomson said she had just returned home from a family party when her husband took the dog out for a last minute 1am walk.

The XL Bully badly injured Scamp


An XL Bully suddenly launched an unexpected attack on the dog.

"It appeared out of nowhere and pinned Scamp to the ground by the neck," Thomson told Glasgow Live.

"My husband had to lie across it because he thought it was going to kill him.

"The attack lasted around five minutes before they could be broken apart."

Scamp was rushed to the vets following the ordeal, but vets were unable to close his wounds.

The injuries had already become infected with the vets only able to offer antibiotics.

Thomson said: "They can't stitch him because his shoulder is badly infected, it has to come out first, and the swelling goes down before they can even think of that.

"We're worried it's going to finish him off, he's 13.

"Even outside of his injuries, it's going to take a long time for him to build up the confidence he once had.

"He's scared to approach us which isn't like him, he's usually a daddy's boy.

"He's also not eaten since Sunday."

The couple now fear others could be at risk from the XL Bully, which was not tracked down by police following the incident.

Thomson added: "We've got a two-year-old granddaughter that comes to visit. What would happen if it went for her? What would have happened if it had turned on my husband?

"The dog is a danger. Every dog owner here is terrified to take their dog out because of what's going on."