Putin breaks his silence after attempted coup as Russian leader left vulnerable

Vladimir Putin in his first video statement since the Wagner Group's attempted mutiny

Vladimir Putin in his first video statement since the Wagner Group's attempted mutiny

Jack Walters

By Jack Walters

Published: 26/06/2023

- 14:05

Updated: 26/06/2023

- 23:08

The Russian President foiled Yevgeny Prigozhin’s attempted mutiny following last-minute talks on Saturday

Vladimir Putin has broken his silence after Wagner Group mercenaries left the Russian President vulnerable with an attempted coup over the weekend.

The Russian President issued a video statement via the Kremlin on Monday congratulating participants on an industrial forum.

He praised "youngsters, experienced specialists, the collectives at our enterprises", championing production growth in key sectors of Russia’s economy.

It was not immediately clear when or where Putin recorded his statement.

President PutinVladimir PutinReuters

The 70-year-old made a separate national address condemning Yevgeny Prigozhin’s rebellion on Saturday, labelling the mutiny a “stab in the back”.

Putin is yet to comment on the deal brokered by Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko which forced Prigozhin into exile for a multi-million pound payout.

The deal prevented possible bloodshed by allowing 25,000 Wagner Group troops to return to base midway through their march to Moscow.

The mercenaries had pulled off an early gain as they took Rostov-on-Don with relative ease.

Founder of Wagner private mercenary group Yevgeny PrigozhinFounder of Wagner private mercenary group Yevgeny Prigozhin is now in exile in BelarusReuters

Despite breaking his silence, Putin’s position looks increasingly precarious following Prigozhin's brief onslaught.

Tory MP Alicia Kearns, who chairs the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, even warned Putin could launch a purge to overcome current instability.

The Rutland MP added: “This is definitely not over.

“This is not just a power struggle between Putin and Prigozhin.

The Wagner Group marched through Rostov-on-DonThe Wagner Group marched through Rostov-on-DonReuters

“It has raised questions about the wholescale stability of the country.

“No one believes that Prigozhin is going to Belarus and live out his life quietly there.

“Putin ... is mortally wounded but I don't think anyone can say Putin is finished.

“There is nothing more that Putin hates than a traitor.”

Ukrainian cyber security expert Maria Avdeeva

Ukrainian cyber security expert Maria Avdeeva

GB News

Russia’s Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin urged his compatriots to rally behind Putin.

He said: “The main thing in these conditions is to ensure the sovereignty and independence of our country, the security and well-being of citizens.”

There are growing concerns the Russian President could look to up the ante in Ukraine to reassert control of the situation.

Ukrainian cyber security expert Maria Avdeeva told GB News: “Everyone thinks here that Putin will do something to show that he still keeps his power.”

She added: “Of course, they will have to do something to show that the Russian President holds the power but in reality he doesn’t.”

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