Vladimir Putin's catastrophic spending on botched Ukraine invasion exposed

​Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin has spent more than £134bn on the botched Ukraine war according to new calculations as the Russian president comes under increasing pressure

Georgina Cutler

By Georgina Cutler

Published: 18/09/2023

- 11:43

The estimates suggest Russia is spending around £242million per day on its war against Ukraine

Vladimir Putin has spent more than £134billion on the botched Ukraine war according to new calculations as the Russian president comes under increasing pressure.

Since the launch of the invasion on Ukraine in February 2022, around £27billion worth of equipment has been destroyed.

The estimates suggest Russia is spending around £242million per day on its war against Ukraine, according to new figures from Forbes in Ukraine.

The data is based on calculations from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine between February 24, 2022, to August 24, 2023.

According to the figures, the expenditure covers the funding of military operations, which has cost Russia around £41billion, and salaries for servicemen, totalling £28billion.

The numbers do not include constant defence spending not related to military operations and economic losses of the aggressor country.

In addition, another huge cost is compensating the families of the deceased which costs the Russia government £21billion.

Meanwhile, assisting wounded soldiers has cost £16billion.


However, the "cost" of Russia soldiers has considerably reduced following the rapid devaluation of the ruble.

The daily cost per serviceman was approximately £160 in 2022, compared to to around £96 per day now.

The decline of the ruble has also affected compensation payouts in US dollars.

Previously, with an exchange rate of 60 rubles per dollar, compensation for the family of a deceased soldier in Russia would total around £89,000.

Vladimir Putin

The daily cost per serviceman was approximately £160 in 2022, compared to to around £96 per day now


However, this figure has reduced to approximately £52,000 while compensation for wounded soldiers has seen a decline from £36,000 to £21,798.

The largest Russia cost remains as ammunition and military support for their army - totalling £41billion.

The expenses for missiles fired into Ukraine have now surpassed a substantial sum of £17billion.

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