'We are at the gates of Gaza City' - IDF Commander

Gaza City

Smoke rises in Gaza City

Mark White

By Mark White

Published: 02/11/2023

- 10:34

Updated: 02/11/2023

- 10:40

Missile and artillery strikes are being ordered in by troops on the ground

Overlooking northern Gaza, it is a devastated landscape, a wasteland in parts, with many badly damaged or completely destroyed buildings.

The sound of explosions is constant.

As is the roar of the combat jets, as they target what the Israeli military says are Hamas positions across the northern part of the strip.

Missile and artillery strikes are being ordered in by troops on the ground, as they meet heavy resistance from well dug in Hamas positions.

The IDF said that Hanas cells in the north “fired anti-tank missiles, detonated explosive devices, and hurled grenades at the IDF troops.”

The military spokesman said: "The soldiers engaged with the terrorists, with the assistance of artillery fire and tanks, while directing an aerial strike from a helicopter, and a missile strike from a naval boat.”

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The Israelis claim that dozens of Hamas terrorists were killed in that overnight action.

That offensive is continuing to rage, with the sound of heavy machine gun fire at regular intervals.

On the ground in Gaza, the Hamas run health ministry is claiming heavy civilian loss of life.

Hundreds of thousands of people still remain in northern Gaza, despite repeated warnings from the Israeli military to head south.

Many don’t want to cede ground to the Israelis, for fear of being permanently displaced.

The Israeli military says many others are being prevented from moving south by Hamas.

There are thousands of others who are in no physical condition to evacuate.

Israel says it does not target civilians, and instead blames Hamas for cynically using Gaza's population as human shields.

Further south, a controlled exodus of foreign nationals and badly injured Palestinians is underway, with around 500 a day being allowed out through the Rafa crossing into Egypt.

But this is only ever going to amount to a tiny percentage of those still trapped in Gaza, as the Israeli military continues its slow advance into the strip.

Part of the Israeli strategy is clear. Troops are pushing down from the north towards Gaza city.

Other forces are pushing inland south of Gaza city, fighting their way across to the main coastal road.

Once complete, Gaza city will effectively be cut off, surrounded by overwhelming military fire power.

One Israeli commander said the IDF is at "the gates of Gaza city."

When they eventually decide to advance into Gaza's most populous and overcrowded city, the operation will be long and bloody, on all sides.

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