Israel-Hamas war latest: Hamas attempting to infiltrate via sea as Gaza encircled by 360,000 Israeli troops

Israeli military drive on a road in southern Israel, as rockets are launched from the Gaza Strip and explosion in sea

Hamas attempting to infiltrate via sea as Gaza encircled by 360,000 Israeli troops

Oliver Trapnell

By Oliver Trapnell

Published: 12/10/2023

- 10:07

Updated: 12/10/2023

- 10:34

The Israeli Defence Force says it struck a number of naval targets in the Gaza strip

Hamas are reportedly attempting to infiltrate Israel via the sea as Israeli Defence Forces claim they struck a number of naval targets in the Gaza Strip and captured a diver.

According to the IDF, Gaza City docks used by Hamas were targetted by artillery fire from a combined force of missile boats, combat helicopters and ground artillery.

The IDF said the docks were being used to “carry out terror attacks on the Israeli coastline”.

“In addition, Israeli Navy forces killed a Hamas diver who attempted to infiltrate into Israel from the Gaza shores earlier today,” the IDF said in a statement.

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It comes as an overwhelming IDF force gathers on the border with Gaza.

As many as 360,000 reservists are reported to be stationed close to the border in preparation for a possible land invasion which could begin as soon as next week.

“We all rushed to join up,” law student and machinegunner Avi Schwartz, told the Times.

“After two days of training on a base down south and mentally preparing ourselves for going into Gaza, we were told that instead, we were going to replace another battalion near Jenin in the West Bank. But everyone serves in wartime.”

Israeli military vehicles and soldiers from an artillery unit gather near Israel's border with the Gaza Strip, in southern Israel

Israeli military vehicles and soldiers from an artillery unit gather near Israel's border


In a bid to secure cross-party support for military action, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to form a wartime unity government with opposition leader Benny Gantz.

The latest developments come after reports the Israel-Hamas war could engulf the entire Middle East, following missiles being fired into Israel from Syria and Lebanon.

On Tuesday, Lebanese officials confirmed six rockets were fired in Israel from the south of the country.

Israeli military officials also said shells were launched from Syria, and said its soldiers had retaliated by firing “toward the origin of the launching in Syria”.

Flares, fired from the Israeli side, burn in the sky as seen from Ramyah near the Lebanese-Israeli border

Flares, fired from the Israeli side, burn in the sky as seen from Ramyah near the Lebanese-Israeli border


In a fiery speech on Tuesday, the Israeli PM said: “Hamas will understand that by attacking us, they have made a mistake of historic proportions.

“We will exact a price that will be remembered by them and Israel’s other enemies for decades to come.”

He added: “Hamas will understand that by attacking us, they have made a mistake of historic proportions.

“We will exact a price that will be remembered by them and Israel's other enemies for decades to come.”

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