Israel reveals Hamas' sinister terror base hidden beneath hospital and packed with grenades and rockets

Israel reveals Hamas' sinister terror base hidden beneath hospital and packed with grenades and rockets
IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari walks through one of Hamas' subterranean terrorist tunnels
George Bunn

By George Bunn

Published: 14/11/2023

- 14:01

Updated: 14/11/2023

- 15:05

The IDF claimed they found hand grenades, laptops and explosives at a hospital basement in Gaza

Israeli military has claimed that Hamas has been hiding weapons in a Gaza hospital basement.

Footage released on the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) Twitter page shows military officers exploring the underground base.

Upon investigation, the troops found weapons which they said were used against Israeli forces.

Officers said they also found nappies and baby's bottles in the underground lair.

IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari

IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari


Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari in the tunnel systemSpokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari in the tunnel systemIDF

IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari led the footage into the tunnel next to the house of what he claimed was a senior terrorist.

He said: "This house right next to a school. His house is 200 yards away from a hospital.

"I want to show you the room where we found all the gear of Hamas. Hamas is using hospitals.

"I want you to understand, this kind of gear for a major fight., These are explosives, these are vests with explosives for terrorists to explode on forces, among hospitals. Among patients."


Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari with some of the equipment in the tunnel\u200b

Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari with some of the equipment in the tunnel


Hospital staff and Hamas have both denied claims that a terror command cell is hidden in tunnels underneath hospitals.

Rear Admiral Hagari added: "People are shooting RPGs from hospital. This is Hamas. The world has to understand who Israel is fighting against.

"We are now in the basement, we found a motorcycle. They were used in the massacre of the 7th October. They even have bullets in this motorcycle.

"They came back from the massacre with hostages on a motorcycle."

The bullet holes in the motorcycle


There were also claims that there were children's items in the tunnel, including nappies and bottles.

Rear Admiral Hagari added: "It's a baby bottle in a basement above a World Health Organisation sign.

"THis is a suspicion for an area to where hospitals were held. We're in the same basement and here we see diapers. I want you to see this room, it's in the basement of the hospital.

"We can see this is a closed area from the rest of the hospital."

A baby bottle over the World Health Organization case


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