California attorney general SUES school for as he demands trans students' transition be kept secret from parents

Rob Bonta

Rob Bonta is suing a school board for the policy which outs trans students

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Holly Bishop

By Holly Bishop

Published: 06/09/2023

- 09:10

Rob Bonta said the policy violates students' rights

The Californian state attorney general is suing a school board for outing transgender students to their parents.

Chino Valley Unified School board's policy requires staff to inform parents if their children ask to use a different name or pronoun or use bathrooms that don’t align with their sex.

Rob Bonta, attorney general, has argued that the policy violates students’ rights and could cause them “mental, emotional, psychological, and potential physical harm”.

In a press conference, Bonta labelled the rules as a “forced outing” of transgender students to their parents when they may not be ready or willing to do so.

Chino Valley sign

The Chino Valley United school board requires employees to notify parents when a student uses a different pronoun or name

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“We’re in court challenging Chino Valley Unified’s forced outing policy for wrongfully and unconstitutionally discriminating against and violating the privacy rights of LGBTQ+ students.

“The forced outing policy wrongfully endangers the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of non-conforming students who lack an accepting environment in the classroom and at home.”

“And it goes against their expressed wishes, even if the school staff member thinks they may be putting the student in danger,” he said.

Parents who spoke to the New York Post expressed their support of the policy and believe their involvement in their children’s personal lives keeps them safe.

“I can’t fathom the idea of not wanting to tell parents what is going on with their children,” Nicole Vicario said.

“To put it in kids’ heads that that you don’t have to tell parents things? It’s causing a wedge between students and parents. But we want strong relationships in families.”

Vicario stated that staff at school are obliged to tell the state if they believe a child is in danger at home.

“If a kid says ‘I don’t feel safe at home,’ we have to file a report. There’s already protections in place for kids who feel like they are in danger at home,” she said.

Male and female public bathrooms

The school board also must inform parents if a child asks to use a different bathroom

Wallpaper Flare

Sonia Singh, another parent at the school, said: “My kid bumped his head with another kid on the basketball court during recess. I got a call immediately saying, ‘he says he’s fine and he’s ready to go back to class, but I have to notify you’. But if my child says he’s a girl, I can’t know. This makes zero sense.”

The implementation of the policy, which was introduced in July, was simple according to Singh, who is also the school’s board president.

“It was the first time in many years that our district did something that parents were voicing support for,” she said describing the meeting where parents voted in the new policy.

However, Bonta said the school board was motivated “to create and harbour animosity, discrimination, and prejudice towards transgender and gender-nonconforming students.”