Ex-US Navy Seal shakes head in despair over military drag shows: ‘We’re going to get steamrolled in the next war!’

Carl Higbie rages at drag shows for the military

Ben Chapman

By Ben Chapman

Published: 05/06/2024

- 11:17

Updated: 05/06/2024

- 11:45

Carl Higbie from Newsmax hit out at the US Air Force

A former Navy Seal has laid bare his anger at the current state of affairs with the US military in a fiery GBN America discussion.

Carl Higbie from Newsmax hit out at the US Air Force after Freedom of Information Act documents exposed the group’s use of taxpayer money to promote drag shows, drag queen story hours and other LGBT pride events for military personnel.

Asked by Patrick Christys on GBN America about the discovery, Higbie shook his head in despair before unleashing a fiery rant.

“Stop this”, he demanded, before adding: “When I was in the military, women couldn’t even paint their fingernails.

US Military, Carl Higbie and a Pride march

Carl Higbie has hit out at Drag shows for the Military


“They couldn’t do it because it was considered a distraction from combat, which is the primary job of the US Air Force.

“They want to do these rainbow flyovers. They want to do all this other stupid stuff.


Carl Higbie

Carl Higbie speaks out on the outrage caused by military drag shows


Patrick Christys and Carl Higbie

Carl Higbie joined Patrick Christys on GBN America


“Fine. Go and do it somewhere else. Don’t do it in the military. Don’t do it in the Air Force. Don’t do it in the Navy, the Marines, the Army, none of that.

“When lead starts flying over your head, you need to conduct battle. They lose sight of all this stuff. None of it matters.”

With worldwide tensions continuing to escalate, Higbie is fearful that ploys to promote equality in the military are doing little to prepare forces for the prospect of war.

“It’s got to change”, he fumed. “Otherwise, we are going to get steamrolled at the next war.”

Patrick waded in on the discussion to warn figures like Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin may feel emboldened by such gestures.

He asked: “What will they be thinking?”

“Could it possibly be that they look at the US naval spokesperson, a man in a dress and think ‘I might fancy having a bang on Taiwan or Ukraine’.

“Maybe we are inviting them on by doing all of this complete and utter lunacy.”

US Air Force officials are said to have approved a drag show recently to celebrate Pride, but the plans were shot down amid fears its funding went against Pentagon policy.

NBC News reported that Department of Defence leaders halted preparations for a drag show in May last year which was due to take place at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada.