Pentagon UFO expert claims ‘non-human material’ has been recovered as he issues warning to humanity

Pentagon UFO expert claims ‘non-human material’ has been recovered as he issues warning to humanity

Jack Walters

By Jack Walters

Published: 22/08/2024

- 22:20

Updated: 23/08/2024

- 07:43

Military veteran Luis Elizondo alleged Washington retrieved alien technology and bodies from crash sites over half a century

Non-human material has been recovered by the US Government over the past 50 years, a Pentagon UFO expert has claimed.

Luis Elizondo, who ran highly classified programmes for the White House and the National Security Agency, revealed he even managed to convince his sceptical wife following a strange incident.

The incident came as his wife saw an orb in their home.

In his book, Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs, Elizondo wrote: “My wife was a complete sceptic on all this — that is, until she saw an orb in our house for herself.

Pentagon UFO expert claims \u2018non-human material\u2019 has been recovered as he issues warning to humanityPentagon UFO expert claims ‘non-human material’ has been recovered as he issues warning to humanityREUTERS

“We had a long main hallway in the house and one evening a green, glowing ball, probably about the size of a basketball, with soft edges that weren’t defined, floated down slowly from the kitchen to our bedroom door just below ceiling height, then disappeared into a wall.”

The 52-year-old, who served in Kuwait and Afghanistan before heading up anti-terrorism missions against a number of Islamist groups, worked as a high-ranking military intelligence officer before he was recruited into the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program in 2009.

AATIP was set up by Democratic Senate majority leader Harry Reid and was tasked with studying unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs).

Elizondo has since claimed non-human bodies were recovered as early as the 1940s.


“Four deceased non-human bodies were in fact recovered from the 1947 Roswell crash,” Elizondo claims in the book.

He alleged another three incidents resulted in “non-human cadavers” being recovered from supposed Air Force crashes.

The incidents included one being found during the 1950 crash in Ciudad Acuna and a further four in 1989 following a crash in Kazakhstan.

Elizondo’s book mentions an autopsy report from another, unspecified, incident: “The report stated that the brain had no convolutions (the wrinkled exterior portion of the brain).

“Rather, what was described was a smooth surface, similar to lower-functioning animals here on Earth. It also described a conjoined gut and liver, and a three-chambered heart, like reptiles.”

\u200bAlleged alien remainsAlleged alien remainsReuters

The biological matter was examined at Fort Detrick in Maryland.

In a scathing review of the AATIP, Elizondo wrote in 2017: “When governments lie to their people, all of democracy is at risk.”

However, Elizondo resigned from his post in 2017 amid growing frustrations with internal opposition and instead opted to become a whistleblower.

In a parting letter to ex-Defence Secretary Jim Mattis, Elizondo wrote: “The department must take seriously the many accounts by the navy and other services of unusual aerial systems interfering with military weapon platforms and displaying beyond next-generation capabilities.”

However, Elizondo still holds the highest security clearances and continues to consult Washington.

He wrote: “Just as we inform the public about the existence of nuclear weapons being possessed by rogue nations, we should be transparent about the fact that there are things in our airspace that we don’t fully understand.”