Biden branded ‘shameful’ for taking over 380 days off for personal trips

Joe Biden

Biden branded ‘shameful’ after taking over 380 days as president for personal trips

Oliver Trapnell

By Oliver Trapnell

Published: 05/09/2023

- 21:49

Updated: 05/09/2023

- 21:51

The US president has been ‘increasingly absent in body’ as well as ‘in mind’

Joe Biden has been branded as “shameful” by a Republican after data found the US president spent more than a third of his time in office away from the White House.

According to data calculated by the Republican National Committee, Biden is on track to spend more time away from his desk than any president in history.

The US president has already taken more time away than any of his recent predecessors.

Biden, 80, was last seen relaxing on a beach at his Rehoboth summer home following a trip to Florida to inspect the damage caused by Hurricane Idalia.

Biden returns to White House

Biden returns to White House


Data shows Biden spent 382 out of his 957 days as president (around 40 per cent) on personal overnight trips.

“We have millions of illegal immigrants pouring across our borders,” US representative Elise Stefanik told the New York Post.

“Violent crime is surging. Inflation is crushing hard-working Americans.

“Our enemies around the world are emboldened.

Joe Biden

Biden was branded 'shameful' for taking so much time off


“Meanwhile, Joe Biden is filmed on the beach with his handlers preventing him from speaking to the media to answer basic questions Americans deserve answers to.

“It’s shameful.”

Biden’s closest relaxation rival was George HW Bush who spent 36 per cent of his presidency off duty.

Donald Trump who has a reputation of being on the golf course is reported to have spent significantly less time away from desk than Biden, taking only 381 out of 1,461 days off (26 per cent).

Donald Trump

Donald Trump took off just 381 out of his 1,461 days in office


Reagan and Obama both spent just 11 per cent of their two-term presidencies away.

However, Jimmy Carter, is the true workhorse of the group taking just 79 days (5 per cent) of his singe-term.

The data comes as Biden was warned voters could turn away from the incumbent president as he’s “too old” for the job.

In a recent poll, a whopping 77 per cent of Americans believe age was a factor should he be re-elected.

When asked to perform a word association exercise about the octogenarian president, 41 per cent of respondents answered with some synonym of “old” such as “outdated”, “elderly”, “slow”, “confused” and “bumbling”.

“With President Biden, it’s not only that he’s absent in mind, he’s increasingly absent in body,” Heritage Foundation Fellow Joel Griffith said.

“At a time when so many families are having to cut back their vacation time thanks to inflation, Biden’s gone on vacation almost 12 days per month, more than triple the rate that Obama was taking.”

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