REVEALED: Unbelievable number of young Brits NOT ‘working, studying or job seeking’ as economic inactivity hits RECORD high

Former Tory Leader Iain Duncan Smith on how he would lower the …
Adam Hart

By Adam Hart

Published: 31/01/2025

- 11:12

Number of under 25s in payrolled employment drops by 100,000 in one year

Nearly one million young Brits aged 16 to 24 years are ‘not in employment, education, or training’, shocking analysis has revealed.

Over half that number (552,000) are not even looking for work, according to research by Facts4EU and GB News.

Under 25s not in education, employment or training

Under 25s not in education, employment or training


That’s the equivalent to the population of Liverpool not working, or nearly double Tesco’s entire workforce- Britain's largest employer after the NHS.

Without a salary young people contribute less to the economy through taxes and day-to-day spending.

This number of 'economically inactive' people is up by 68,000 on the same three months in the pre-Covid year of 2019.

The overall increase in young economically inactive people is 146,000, sparking concerns Britain’s young talent is being wasted to the detriment of British businesses.

Since records began in 1992, Britain’s percentage of 16–24-year-olds who are economically inactive has never been higher.

It now stands at 41 per cent, up from 26 per cent in 1992.

Britain's percentage of economically inactive 16-24 year olds

Britain's percentage of economically inactive 16-24 year olds


It comes after latest HMRC data showed there are nearly 100,000 less 16–24-year-olds in salaried employment than 12 months ago.

In January 2024, there were 3,986,843 young Brits in employment, but by December 2024 that number had fallen to 3,891,787.

The fall in 16-24 year olds in payrolled employment over the last year

The fall in 16-24 year olds in payrolled employment over the last year


This has had significant repercussions on the youth unemployment rate in the UK, an important signal of health in any nation’s economy.

18.6 per cent more young people were unemployed in the three months from September to November 2024 than for the same period one year previously.

The UK’s youth unemployment rate has risen to 14.5 per cent, up from 12 per cent in the Autumn of 2023.

The spike in youth unemployment shows Britain approaching 2020 levels when Covid ravaged the economy. It is not as high as after the 2008 financial crash however when it stood at around 20 per cent.

Youth unemployment rate since Sept 2023

Youth unemployment rate since Sept 2023


The figures are particularly alarming when compared to the EU. The 27 members of Britain’s former bloc have an average of 9.1 per cent ‘economically inactive’ amongst under 25-year-olds.


Under 25s not in education or employment | Britain vs. the EU

Under 25s not in education or employment | Britain vs. the EU


Youth unemployment since 1992

Youth unemployment since 1992

House of Commons Library

Last year the Work and Pensions Secretary, the Rt Hon Liz Kendall MP, talked about the new Government's ‘Back to Work Plan’, saying: “Economic inactivity is holding Britain back – it’s bad for people, it’s bad for businesses, and it’s bad for growth.

“It’s not good enough that the UK is the only G7 country with employment not back to pre-pandemic levels.”

“It is time for change in every corner of the country. We’ll create more good jobs, make work pay, transform skills, and overhaul jobcentres, alongside action to tackle the root causes of worklessness [sic] including poor physical and mental health.

“Change delivered by local areas for local people, driving growth and delivering opportunity and prosperity to everyone, wherever they live.”

The Department for Work and Pensions has been approached for comment.