'UFO' spotted flying alongside plane as mysterious metallic orb speeds through the sky

Commercial flight passenger captures video of 'UFO'

Georgia Pearce

By Georgia Pearce

Published: 27/10/2023

- 14:42

The plane was flying from Bogotá to Salento when the object was spotted

A video of a suspected 'UFO' has captured the attention of users online, after footage of a mysterious metallic orb speeding past an aeroplane went viral.

In the viral video, first posted to YouTube, the footage taken by a plane passenger shows a peaceful sky with thick white cloud, followed by a suspicious object.

The object flies through the air unaided, travelling in a completely straight path, not changing angle or direction.

Filming from the plane, which was flying from Bogotá to Salento, the passenger then zooms in on the shining silver object as it continues to travel past the plane's window.

The unidentified object was spotted cruising through the sky

The unidentified object was spotted cruising through the sky by a plane passenger


In another version of the occurrence posted online, the user called the event a "shocking daytime sighting of metallic orb".

The caption asked: "Was it a drone, balloon, or something beyond our understanding?"

The bizarre daytime event over Sarasota Bradenton International Airport has shocked viewers online, and has got UFO-believers excited.

UFO sighting enthusiast and YouTube creator, 'The Hidden Underbelly 2.0', questioned if it was "some sort of Government testing".

One UFO fan commented on the video: "Wow, that's an incredible sighting! It's not every day you get to see a classic flying saucer-shaped UFO during a commercial flight."

Another said: "That saucer shape is pretty intense. Really reminds me about the sighting I had about 12 years ago."

A silver object is spotted in the sky above Colombia

UFO believers say the object 'doesn't look like a drone'


The Hidden Underbelly 2.0 further analysed the video from Colombia, stating "this plane has to be pretty high to be cruising, and it is above the clouds - could a drone go this high?".

"This has no other shape to it like a plane, a helicopter, and in my opinion, this doesn't even look like a drone."