Rubbish left uncollected for SIX WEEKS, with rats turning London street into 'health hazard'

Labour council BLASTED for bin day 'NIGHTMARE' as bags go uncollected for months

GB News
Holly Bishop

By Holly Bishop

Published: 25/11/2024

- 12:42

Lewisham Council have been slammed by residents for letting the rubbish mount

A couple from southeast London have said their front garden has become a “health hazard” after their bins have gone uncollected for six weeks.

Rubbish and faeces are now strewn across the entrance way to a block of council houses in Sydenham, which has produced a “sickening” smell and brought with it an array of pests.

Vivian Lee, 59, and her husband Yongtae, have blamed Lewisham Council for failing to send out any binmen, which has caused the rubbish to mount.

Last year, two out of the four communal black bins were removed, which resulted in rubbish beginning to overflow.

Bins/rat/Hillmore Grove

A south London block of houses has had their bins go uncollected for six weeks, with rats (stock pic) tearing open overflowing rubbish bags

Getty/Google Street View/Flickr

And the recent lack of collection has further exacerbated the problems. Rats and foxes have started ripping open the communal bins at Hillmore Grove, resulting in even more litter piling up on the street.

The couple, who are leaseholders, say they have reached out to the local authority but to no avail.

“Nothing or no one wants to know,” Lee said.

“I feel they are just passing the buck,” she added.


A full wheelie bin with rubbish bags overflowing onto the pavement

Last year, two out of the four communal black bins (not pictured) were removed, which resulted in rubbish beginning to overflow


Residents were told by the council that binmen would be arriving to finally empty the bins, however this never happened.

This has meant that three consecutive bin collections have been missed.

Yongtae said: “We are living in the 21st century in London. We should not be living like this - it's a health hazard.”

Many of the occupants of the blocks are elderly and struggle moving the heavy bins onto the pavement for collection.

\u200bLewisham Council

Lewisham Council has been slammed by residents

Google Street View

Lewisham Deputy Mayor Louise Krupski said: “We would like to apologise to the residents in Sydenham for the missed collection and our waste and recycling team have confirmed they will attend to ensure the bins are emptied.

“We will continue to work hard to reduce the occurrence of missed collections as we take the responsibility of keeping Lewisham clean and healthy very seriously.

“We will be in contact with the managing agent of the flats to ensure there are adequate bins provided for all the residents' rubbish, both recycling and general waste to ensure this situation is resolved.”