Huge shark spotted in Brit holiday hotspot - 'Third sighting in a week!'

Huge shark spotted in Brit holiday hotspot

Huge shark spotted in Brit holiday hotspot

Toni Matas Barceló/YouTube
Jack Walters

By Jack Walters

Published: 20/06/2023

- 22:53

Updated: 27/06/2023

- 11:02

Footage shared online showed the shark roaming the seas near a popular holiday resort for British tourists

A huge shark has been spotted in a popular holiday hotspot for Britons.

The shark was seen off the Spanish coast in the third sighting in less than a week.

Fishermen in Majorca were left stunned after catching the shark near Puerto Pollenso last weekend.

Footage uploaded to YouTube showed the sharp moving its snout in and out of the water.

Fishermen in Majorca were left stunned after catching the shark near Puerto Pollenso last weekend

Fishermen in Majorca were left stunned after catching the shark near Puerto Pollenso last weekend

Toni Matas Barceló/YouTube

It came towards the vessel and was then slightly thrashing while caught on the fishing line.

A fisherman was seen attempting to detach the shark from the line.

He then patted its fin as the shark fled back into the water.

The large fish was reportedly a six-gilled, flat-toothed reef shark.

The animal is also known as a cow shark.

Cow sharks are considered harmless but can become aggressive when provoked.

Six-gilled, flat-toothed reef sharks tend to be found deep in water.

They can rest at depths of up to 6,500 feet.

A stock image of a British holidaymaker in Spain

All of the locations are notably popular with British tourists


The tendency for cow sharks to be found deep in water makes the sighting particularly surprising.

This specific shark species will usually move closer to the surface during the night to feed.

However, the clip is yet again surprising as it was filmed during the daytime.

Separate shark sightings were reported at Aguamarina Beach, south of Alicante and inside Ciutadella Port in Menorca.