Ryanair passenger narrowly avoids jail after sexually assaulting male flight attendant

The incident took place on a Ryanair flight (file pic)
George Bunn

By George Bunn

Published: 17/07/2024

- 12:32

The man pinched the attendant's right nipple and then grabbed his buttocks with both hands

A British tourist has avoided jail after pleading guilty to sexually assaulting a male flight attendant.

The incident took place on a Ryanair flight from Newcastle flight to Mallorca last September.

A court in Palma heard how the incident arose during the Ryanair flight from Newcastle to Palma on September 29 following an issue with a credit card.

It was while the male flight attendant was trying to sort the issue out when the passenger pinched his right nipple and then grabbed his buttocks with both hands.

\u200bThe incident took place on a Ryanair flight (file pic)

The incident took place on a Ryanair flight (file pic)


Majorca Daily Bulletin reports how the pilot called to report the incident, and the Guardia Civil were waiting when the plane landed.

In court in Palma on Monday, the public prosecutor reduced an initial sentence request of one year and seven months.

Following a negotiation with the defence, this sentence was cut to twelve months, suspended for two years.

The passenger will also be obliged to attend sex education programmes for a period of twelve months.


\u200bThe man appeared at a court in Palma (file pic)

The man appeared at a court in Palma (file pic)


It comes as rowdy British toursits have been blasted by residents in Magaluf for defecating, having sex and being disrespectful in the Spanish resort town.

One restaurant owner in Magaluf said tourists had treated the Balearic island poorly, and claimed the culture of "getting drunk and partying was only contributing to the area's "degradation".

Under the new restrictions, tourists in Playa de Palma and Magaluf in Majorca, and San Antonio in Ibiza, must stick to certain authorised zones when drinking.

Anyone caught outside said areas will face fines of €500 to 1,500 (£430 to 1290) if their behaviour "disrupts coexistence, involves crowds or deteriorates the tranquillity of the environment".

Ariana Riesquo-Tomos, another restaurant owner who co-runs a pizza shop with her Italian husband, slated British tourists for coming for "the alcohol and the mess" which Majorca offered.

While one British restaurateur told MailOnline her compatriots passing by a nearby nightclub "wee in the corner or they do number twos or they have sex" outside her establishment.