Reindeer shooting holidays dubbed by animal activist as 'incredibly cruel' and 'disgusting'

The animal activist from PETA said the sport was cruel

GB News
Gabrielle Wilde

By Gabrielle Wilde

Published: 20/12/2023

- 13:10

Updated: 20/12/2023

- 13:11

It is argued that shooting is a part of the 'management of the wild population'

An animal activist has spoken out after a firm has been offering reindeer shooting hunts as the festive approaches.

Hendry, Ramsay & Waters is offering trips to slaughter reindeer in Norway and they have been advertising it just ahead of Christmas.

Animal activists have dubbed this move "sick" and "incredibly cruel" and have suggested that it ruins the spirit of Christmas.

Talking to GB News, Mollie Elsdon from PETA said: "I mean killing any animal for fun is appalling to think about, let alone reindeer who are these gentle, sensitive animals who live in large family groups.

Mollie Elsdon

Mollie Elsdon from PETA said it was "appalling" ​

GB News

"So it's appalling to think of killing them for fun and a lot of animals killed by hunters endure prolonged and painful deaths.

"And for what? For a thrill and a souvenir to mount on the wall, it's absolutely disgusting. So I'd encourage everyone watching of course to never get involved with any activity that involves harming animals."

She added: "And of course, the Government has a part to play as well by implementing a ban to prevent importing hunting trophies into the UK.

"To prevent hunters from going abroad and killing these magnificent and beautiful animals."

Charlie Jacoby

Charlie Jacoby hosts the Fieldsports YouTube channel

GB News

However, host of the Fieldsports YouTube channel, Charlie Jacoby argued that the shooting is a part of the "management of the wild population".

He said: "Shooting holidays is part of the management because it brings a great deal of cash into rural areas that might not otherwise see it. So you know we work with a Reindeer foundation in Norway and they are funded by the hunting."

When asked why he would want to shoot an animal rather than a target he explained: "I think it's a very complicated question to answer.

"It's the thrill that you get out of it. Deer hunting is incredibly accessible. It's easier to go deer hunting from a standing start in a city than it is to get a game of golf or a game of tennis."


Reindeers are hunted for sport

GB News

He added: "It's easier, quicker and cheaper. So if you just look up your your local deer guide and go and try it and I think then you'll find out what it is."

Hendry, Ramsay & Waters - run by businessman Vernon Waters - boasts that it "is pleased to be able to offer Moose and trophy Reindeer hunting in the North Eastern part of Norway".

The "exclusive" trips would take place during three weeks in late summer.

Outlining the reindeer hunting trips available to buy this Christmas, the company’s website, says: "Only a few licences are available for big males, so this hunt is very exclusive and the season very short."