Rare white stag shot dead by police in Liverpool

Credit: @adrianhoward21
Josh Kaplan

By Josh Kaplan

Published: 28/09/2021

- 17:50

Updated: 28/09/2021

- 23:00

Police said they were left with no other choice

Merseyside police have confirmed that a rare white stag seen in the Bootle area was shot and killed by armed response officers on Sunday evening.

Twitter users posted their sightings of the animal before it was euthanised by police as a suitable organisation for the deer could not be found.

In a statement, Merseyside police said: "We can confirm that a number of reports were received of a wild deer running along various roads in Bootle at about 8.45am yesterday morning (Sunday, 26 September).The deer was spotted on various roads including Marsh Lane and Hornby Road.

"There were concerns for safety for motorists and Armed Response officers were able to secure the deer on an industrial estate off Melling Road and a veterinary surgeon was called to scene to monitor the animals welfare and assist the officers attempts to control the animal.

"Several enquiries were made to find an organisation who could assist with recovering the deer safely, but unfortunately we were unable to get assistance and as the hours went by the deer became more distressed.

"There was no option to let the deer wander as it could be a danger to motorists and members of the public in the area, particularly as the hours of darkness approached.

"As a result a decision was made in the early evening to euthanise the deer."