'There is a lot at stake': Philippa Stroud heralds new vision for society rooted in 'strength, hope and vision'

Baroness Philippa Stroud opening speech - ARC

Millie Cooke

By Millie Cooke

Published: 30/10/2023

- 09:58

Updated: 30/10/2023

- 11:56

In an optimistic speech, she called for a society built upon 'freedom of conscience, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly'

Baroness Philippa Stroud heralded a new societal vision rooted in "strength, hope and vision" as she opened the inaugural Alliance for Responsible Citizenship's (ARC) conference.

Addressing attendees at the major new conference taking place in London this week, Stroud warned delegates: "There is a lot at stake".

In an optimistic speech, she called for a society built upon "freedom of conscience, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly", with individuals characterised by "kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control".

Speaking about ARC's missions, she said we are: "Convinced that there is a better story, convinced that better story has solid foundations that need to be rediscovered.

Philippa Stroud

Baroness Philippa Stroud heralded a new societal vision rooted in "strength, hope and vision"


"And convinced that better story is rooted in hope.

"It hardly needs to be stated looking out at everybody that this is a community of people of courage and strength, that are quite literally dedicated to rebuilding the foundations of our nations.

"We believe that foundations are worth rediscovering."

She told delegates at the conference that she is "extremely hopeful", adding: "This civilizational moment. There is a lot at stake."

ARC was established as "an international community with a vision for a better world".

Its mission is to generate a new approach to society, which would allow everyone to "prosper, contribute and flourish".

Speaking after Stroud, US Republican politician Kevin McCarthy told delegates: "Decline is not inevitable".

Instead, he promised a "compelling, hope-filled vision for the future", offered by ARC.

The former Republic speaker added: "We must be united in breaking the mindset of victimhood.


Kevin McCarthy

US Republican politician Kevin McCarthy told delegates: "Decline is not inevitable"


"Instead of connecting people through pain, our mission is to connect people through possibilities and shared dreams for a brighter future.

"We can only achieve this if we recommit to the principles that have sustained our strength, our prosperity and our way of life."