'Men built civilisation, we deserve Christmas off' Peter Lloyd slams women saying men don't help at Christmas

Peter Lloyd has slammed comments that men don't help at Christmas

Gabrielle Wilde

By Gabrielle Wilde

Published: 21/12/2023

- 15:17

Updated: 21/12/2023

- 16:33

Peter Lloyd labels women 'sexist pigs in blankets' after guardian 'moaners' say men don't help at Christmas

Journalist and men's activist Peter Lloyd was left livid after a new article in the Guardian claimed that women do twice as many festive chores as men.

The story was based on a 2016 study that found women were responsible for 17 Christmas-related jobs, including buying and writing Christmas cards, making nativity costumes and preparing the Christmas dinner if hosting.

However men took on only nine jobs, two of which were setting up new toys and carving the turkey. Lloyd has said that as "men built civilisation" they "deserve Christmas off."

Speaking on GBNews he said: "After 50-60 years of mainstream feminism, it's now women who are the sexist pigs, sexist pigs in blankets.

Christmas pudding

It has been reported that women do twice as many Christmas related jobs


"This article that we've seen on the Guardian is typical of the hatred of anything happy, joyful or Christian and especially anything that's male.

"So, quelle surprise that they're annoyed at men. But I find it staggering. Not only is it completely lacking in the spirit of Christmas, but it's also revealing the endless narcissism of white liberal women who just never ever stop moaning. Not even at Christmas."

He later added: "To all the ladies watching men built civilization. So quite frankly, we deserve to have Christmas off."

"Here's another piece of reality for you. There are lots of single men. There are also lots of gay men who have wonderful Christmases where women aren't even involved. I'm sorry ladies, it's just not all about you all the time."

Peter Lloyd

Peter Lloyd said that men "deserve Christmas off"


However, behaviour and etiquette expert Liz Brewer said that women take on the lions share of the work because they "enjoy it."

She explained: "We're not saying they're ghastly, we're just saying at Christmas, what do men do?

"Occasionally helping to put up the lights, definitely carving the Turkey, pouring the wine. But when it comes to Christmas cards, wrapping presents, buying presents, all the men I know leave it to the very last moment.

"In their defence, women do quite enjoy doing the organization, creating that affect. Children love the magic of arriving Christmas morning.

Liz Brewer, Ellie Costello, Eamonn Holmes, Peter Lloyd

A study said that women work harder than men


"Do you fill the kids stockings? Again, that's down to the women."

Lloyd responded by saying: "When that kind of discussion does come up, I always say it's fine to demand that men do 50% of the chores as long as you're paying 50% of all the bills, including the mortgage."

He added: "It's always men who are dressing up as Father Christmas in grottos up and down shopping centres which are populated by middle class women spending their husbands earnings.

"It's men who dress up as Father Christmas. It's not women doing that."