Marine Le Pen victory would put France on collision course with EU says Nigel Farage

Samantha Haynes

By Samantha Haynes

Published: 18/04/2022

- 21:11

Updated: 18/04/2022

- 21:23

The GB News presenter discussed what a win for the French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen could mean for the future of the European Union

Nigel Farage has weighed in on Marine Le Pen's electoral campaign as she battles in the polls against her closest rival French President Emmanuel Macron.

Six days ahead of the final vote in the euro zone's second biggest economy, Le Pen has never been closer to the Elysee, but her spectacular rise in opinion polls appeared to stagnate after the first round as Macron stepped up his campaign.

Principal polls still show Macron as the likely winner, albeit with a slim margin.

Marine Le Pen and her companion Louis Aliot
Marine Le Pen and her companion Louis Aliot

Laura, a GB News viewer, wrote in to the Farage programme, asking "If Marine Le Pen was to win in France would she take them out of the EU?"

Nigel answered: "‘She [Marine Le Pen] would put France onto a huge collision course with the EU."

"She's already said she won't accept the supremacy of EU law over French law. She wants back control of France's borders."

Nigel Farage said Le Pen %22wants back control of France's borders.%22
Nigel Farage said Le Pen "wants back control of France's borders."
GB News

The former Brexit Party Leader said: "She is not advocating Frexit but it would be an absolute seismic shock to the whole EU system and, when you think about it, you have got Poland and Hungary already fighting big battles with Brussels."

"All I can say is thank goodness we are not still there," he added.

An Ipsos poll for France Info radio and newspaper Le Parisien published on Monday showed Macron hitting 56%, up 0.5% from the day before and 3% from the first round. An Ifop poll showed a similar trend, though with his rating unchanged from the previous day at 53.5%.

Both candidates face the challenge of reaching out to left-leaning voters after the elimination of their candidates, while holding on to their political trademarks, a task particularly difficult for Le Pen when it comes to Islam and immigration.

Le Pen has in recent years moved to soften her image, shifting her focus from identity issues towards purchasing power, the number one priority for French voters.

"People who are present on our territory, who respect our laws, who respect our values, who have sometimes worked in France, have nothing to fear from the policy I want to pursue," Le Pen told France Bleue radio.