London's New Year's Eve fireworks ticket prices hiked up by staggering 33 per cent

People can buy tickets from Friday, November 3

People can buy tickets from Friday, November 3

Holly Bishop

By Holly Bishop

Published: 31/10/2023

- 22:30

Tickets this year will now cost £20

Tickets to London’s New Year’s Eve fireworks display will go on sale this week, however the price for entrance to the 2023 show has increased by 33 per cent.

The tickets this year will cost £20, a significant increase from last year’s event, where the price to enter was £15.

People can buy tickets from Friday, November 3 and there will be more than 100,000 available.

There will be a limit of four people per purchaser.

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The UK’s largest annual firework display will be presented by the Mayor of London.

The spectacular event, which is accompanied by midnight chimes from Big Ben, normally sells out.

However, the revenue generated from ticket sales does not cover the whole cost of the event.

Last year, the display cost City Hall £4.3million, of which £1.3million came from ticket sales.


The 2022 display was the first time spectators were allowed to watch whilst standing along the Thames since 2019.

Khan said: “Celebrating the new year in the heart of our capital while watching our spectacular fireworks display on the banks of the River Thames is the best ticket in town.

“Millions around the world will see our capital's skyline illuminated by an extraordinary celebration of fireworks that will show London is for everyone.

“The only way to enjoy the fireworks in person is by buying a ticket in advance, so I urge anyone wanting to join us to book their ticket as early as possible so they can come and enjoy another wonderful show.”

Whilst the UK’s largest fireworks display is going ahead as planned, smaller shows organised by local councils have not been so lucky.

A pack of fireworks for a commercial event can cost as much as \u00a34,000.A pack of fireworks for a commercial event can cost as much as £4,000PA

Councils across the country have cancelled their displays for Bonfire night after the price of fireworks has skyrocketed.

Some local authorities have called off Guy Fawkes celebrations for the third or fourth year in a row.

Aberdeen, Nottingham, Norwich and Manchester are some of the councils that have axed celebrations this year.

Others have decided to shorten the displays or ticket the events in order to save money.

Rob Watling, owner of Peak Fireworks in Nottingham, said sharp increases in the cost of fireworks were a major factor in the decisions.

He said: “The first is the price of shipping from China. In the past few years, shipping costs have increased by over 400 per cent.”

A pack of fireworks for a commercial event can cost as much as £4,000.

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