Leeds descends into chaos for SECOND night in a row as hundreds of people block streets

Protests in Leeds

Protests continued for a second night in a row in Leeds as hundreds of people demanded the children who were taken by police are returned

Georgina Cutler

By Georgina Cutler

Published: 20/07/2024

- 07:43

Updated: 20/07/2024

- 14:39

Crowds of people were heard chanting 'please bring the kids back'

Protests continued for a second night in a row in Leeds as hundreds of people demanded the children who were taken by police are returned.

Violence broke out in the Harehills area of Leeds on Thursdayfollowing a disturbance involving social services and children.

It it believed that social services removed all four children from one family.

On Friday, hundreds of people carried out more peaceful demonstrations as crowds were heard chanting "please bring the kids back".

Protests in LeedsProtests continued for a second night in a row in Leeds as hundreds of people demanded the children who were taken by police are returnedX

Some protesters were spotted holding signs calling for the same demand.

The father of the children has also since claimed he is on "hunger strike" until they are returned to his family.

It comes after several people were arrested on Thursday after large groups of people were rioting, shouting, and smashing up a police car.

A large double-decker bus was also set alight, with it later being reduced to a charred wreck.


A group of youths were seen smashing the windows of a police car and throwing objects at it, whilst officers sat inside.

One local community leader said that the manner in which the children were removed from their home was "traumatising" for the family.

"The mother and father are refusing to eat until they get their children back. We are fully supporting them," Stefania Banu told the Daily Mirror.

"We believe it was an injustice that can be rectified by the authorities if they revise the case. Which they have promised to do."

Burnt bus in Leeds

A large double-decker bus was also set alight, with it later being reduced to a charred wreck


West Yorkshire Police said that several people had been arrested following the violence and warned "further arrests will be made over the next few days".

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said she was “appalled at the shocking scenes” and attacks on police vehicles and public transport.

In a new statement, she said: "The scenes of criminality and disorder in Leeds last night were disgraceful, including attacks on police vehicles and public transport, and will have been very distressing for local residents.

“Those responsible must face the full force of the law and West Yorkshire Police have my support in pursuing the perpetrators and taking the strongest possible action against them."

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