Gang of rioters overturn police car in Leeds as chaos breaks out on street following disturbance involving social services and children

Overturned police car

Gang of thugs overturn police car in Leeds as riots break out on street

Holly Bishop

By Holly Bishop

Published: 18/07/2024

- 21:05

Updated: 19/07/2024

- 14:08

Rioters also smashed up the vehicle with scooters, prams, and bikes

Riots have broken out on the streets of Leeds following a disturbance involving social services and children.

Dozens of police units swarmed a residential street in Harehills, after groups of people gathered in the area, overturning a police car and smashing it up with scooters, prams and bikes. Elsewhere, a double-decker bus was set alight.

Police have said that no one has been reported injured so far, adding they believe the disorder was "instigated by a criminal minority intent on disrupting community relations".

The mass riot is believed to have broken out after social services took away four children from a family. Chaos soon ensued and police backup was requested.


Overturned police car/Scenes from riot

Gang of thugs overturn police car in Leeds as riots break out on street


Many of the rioters live-streamed the chaotic scenes on TikTok and Facebook Live. In various videos, large groups of people can be seen rioting, shouting, and smashing up a police car with various objects including a pram. A group of youths can be seen smashing the windows and throwing objects at it, whilst officers sat inside.

In footage from later on in the evening, a group of men could be seen setting a large double-decker bus ablaze using lighters, with it later being reduced to a charred wreck. The driver abandoned the vehicle with a police helicopter soon flying over the scene.

Several people have since been arrested.

Pat Twiggs, assistant chief constable at West Yorkshire Police, said: "Throughout the night several arrests were made in relation to the disorder and further arrests will be made over the next few days.

"We will leave no stone unturned in our hunt for all those who were involved and will work closely with our criminal justice partners to bring them to justice."

A number of roads have been closed and people have been advised to avoid the area surrounding Luxor Street.

Later on, towards 10.00pm, riot police could be seen arriving as the crowd began to disperse in places.

West Yorkshire Police have issued an update on the riots which continued overnight: "Police are continuing to attend to a serious disorder incident in the Harehills area this evening.

"A large number of public order officers have been deployed to the location in what remains an ongoing incident.

"We wish to reassure residents we are responding to the disorder incidents which have taken place, and that appropriate specialist public order resources are attending.


Burnt up police car

Rioters attacked a police car in Harehills


Police officers attempt to control the crowd of people on Luxor Street


"Officers are also reviewing footage which has circulated on social media showing offending.

"All criminal offences, including damage to vehicles from fire, will be fully investigated by detectives from Leeds CID and the force’s Homicide and Major Enquiry Team.

"We want to make it very clear that the full weight of the law will be brought against those responsible."

They reminded residents to keep away from the incident whilst officers continue to respond.

Residents were also strongly discouraged from speculating on the cause of the unrest, and have dispelled "incorrect information" which is circulating online about the potential culprits.

They thanked members of the public who have reported incidents and also those within the Harehills community who have been trying to calm the situation and reassure fellow residents.

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said she was “appalled at the shocking scenes” and attacks on police vehicles and public transport.

In a new statement, she said: "The scenes of criminality and disorder in Leeds last night were disgraceful, including attacks on police vehicles and public transport, and will have been very distressing for local residents.

“Those responsible must face the full force of the law and West Yorkshire Police have my support in pursuing the perpetrators and taking the strongest possible action against them.

Individuals attacked the police car with an array of objects, including a scooter

Individuals attacked the police car with an array of objects, including a scooter


“Local partners are meeting this morning and the police, the Mayor and local councillors will be working closely with the community to provide support and reassurance and prevent further disturbances.

“Where there are incidents of disorder or unrest in communities, there is a responsibility on everyone to support the local agencies and residents who are working to resolve problems and prevent escalation. They have my support in their local work to provide a calm and firm response.”

A spokesperson for First Bus in Leeds said: “Two of our vehicles have been caught up in the public disorder in the Harehills area of Leeds this evening (Thursday 18 July).

“A team from our depot was quickly at the scene to provide support to our drivers and customers.

“One of our vehicles has been set on fire but was empty as the customers had earlier been transferred to another bus together with the driver.

“All services are being diverted from this area of Harehills for the safety of our staff and customers.”

Councillor Salma Arif, for Gipton and Harehills, appeared alongside police inspector Nicholls yesterday evening, to urge people to stay at home.

Arif said: "There's an ongoing situation currently in Harehills.

"We are asking everybody in the area please stay at home at this moment in time.

Luxor Street

Police were initially called to a disturbance on Luxor Street

Google Street View

Nicholls, from the East Leeds Neighbourhood Policing Team, added: "If you could just stay where you are, stay in your houses while we mange this incident.

"If you are in the crowd I would ask you to go home please so we can keep everybody safe."

Mayor of West Yorkshire Tracy Brabin wrote on social media: “I’m reassured no one has been seriously injured but suggest those who are using this to inflame community tensions to think again.”

Local MP Richard Burgon said: “I am on my way back to Leeds from parliament and am in touch with the police and concerned residents about the ongoing incident in Harehills."

An earlier statement released by the force said: "At 5pm today (Thursday), police were called to an ongoing incident at an address in Luxor Street, Harehills."

"Officers attended and found an ongoing disturbance which involved some agency workers and some children.

"More people started to attend the location and a decision was made to remove the agency workers and the children to a safe place.

"A crowd started to gather and more officers were requested to attend the area, where some pockets of disorder were occurring.

"More officers have been deployed to the area to assist with the management of this incident. Some road closures are also being implemented and people are advised to avoid the area at this time.

"No injuries have been reported and inquiries are ongoing at the scene."

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