Just Stop Oil Stonehenge vandals slammed as COLONIALIST as woke left-wing infighting breaks out

Just Stop Oil vandalising Stonehenge

Jack Walters

By Jack Walters

Published: 20/06/2024

- 16:27

Dr Anjana Khatwa took exception with the use of the word 'inert' to describe the Wiltshire landmark

Ecozealots who covered Stonehenge in orange powder paint have been slammed for adopting a “colonialist” mindset.

Left-wing Earth scientist Dr Anjana Khatwa appeared to slam activists who vandalised the historic Wiltshire site on Wednesday.

Writing on social media, Dr Khatwa said: For millions of Indigenous & Global South ppl across the world, rock is sacred.

“It is imbued with a spirit & resilience that transcends our own existence.

Just Stop Oil vandalising StonehengeJust Stop Oil vandalising StonehengeJUST STOP OIL

“Your word ‘inert’ is offensive & speaks of a colonialist Western mindset that divorces our spirit from nature.”

Dr Khatwa was responding to a post by Just Stop Oil showing 21-year-old Oxford student Niamh Lynch addressing her actions.

The protester, who was arrested following the incident, said: “Today, we will be taking action against Stonehenge, the day before the Solstice.

“For thousands of years, people have come to Stonehenge for the Solstice to celebrate our natural world, celebrate the beauty of our natural world.

“But I can’t help thinking 'what does it look like today?' and 'what the heck have we done to it?'. These stones have stood here for 5,000 years. What will the world look like in 5,000 years time? What will our legacy be?”


Just Stop Oil had described the landmark as a group of “inert stones”, meaning they lack the ability or strength to move.

However, Dr Khatwa’s comments appear to reflect fault lines emerging within the left-wing movement.

Dr Khatwa, who called for Tory MPs to oust Boris Johnson and voiced concern about the rhetoric used to describe the Channel crossing crisis, previously accused natural heritage organisations of showing “ignorance” which can lead to “structured racism”.

Despite the row engulfing the eco-zealot community, leaders and political figures slammed Just Stop Oil for yesterday’s actions.

Dr Khatwa was responding to a post by Just Stop Oil showing 21-year-old Oxford student Niamh Lynch addressing her actions

Dr Khatwa was responding to a post by Just Stop Oil showing 21-year-old Oxford student Niamh Lynch addressing her actions


Prime Minister Rishi Sunak condemned the incident as a “disgraceful act of vandalism”.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer added that the damage was “outrageous” and described Just Stop Oil as “pathetic”.

Nick Merriman, chief executive of English Heritage, simply described the vandalism as “deeply saddening”.

Lynch was arrested alongside fellow Just Stop Oil activist Rajan Naidu, 73, after members of the public struggled with to halt their charge.

Just Stop Oil was unapologetic about the incident warning the UK’s refusal to commit to its no new oil and gas pledge “will result in the death of millions”.

Protesters at StonehengeThe protest took place the day before the Summer SolsticeJust Stop Oil

A spokesperson added: “The UK’s Government in waiting has committed to enacting Just Stop Oil’s original demand of ‘no new oil and gas’.

“However, we all know this is not enough. Continuing to burn coal, oil and gas will result in the death of millions.

“We have to come together to defend humanity or we risk everything.

“That’s why Just Stop Oil is demanding that our next Government sign up to a legally binding treaty to phase out fossil fuels by 2030.

“Failure to commit to defending our communities will mean Just Stop Oil supporters, along with citizens from Austria, Canada, Norway, the Netherlands and Switzerland will join in resistance this summer, if their own Governments do not take meaningful action.

“Stone circles can be found in every part of Europe showing how we’ve always cooperated across vast distances – we’re building on that legacy.”