ISIS Beatle El Shafee Elsheikh found guilty of causing death of hostages and terrorism

El Shafee Elsheikh
Aden-Jay Wood

By Aden-Jay Wood

Published: 14/04/2022

- 18:28

Updated: 14/04/2022

- 18:46

Elsheikh, along with three others, were nicknamed 'the Beatles" for their British accents

Former British national El Shafee Elsheikh has been found guilty of hostage-taking and conspiring to murder journalists and aid workers in Syria.

A jury found Elsheikh, 33, guilty on all counts following a trial in Alexandria, Virginia, just outside Washington, on charges including lethal hostage-taking and conspiracy to commit murder.

US authorities have said Elsheikh, 33, was one of four ISIS militants belonging to the cell, which operated in Iraq and Syria, and whose member were nicknamed "the Beatles" for their British accents.

The cell garnered international attention after releasing videos of the murders of U.S. journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff and aid workers Kayla Mueller and Peter Kassig, among other victims, in 2012 through 2015.

The ISIS Beatles ringleader, Mohammed Emwazi, nicknamed Jihadi John, was killed back in November 2015 during a drone strike.

While another member, Alexander Kotey previously pleaded guilty to multiple charges relating to the murders and is now facing life behind bars.

Aine Lesley Davis, the group's fourth member, was convicted in Turkey on terrorism charges and jailed.

The charges against Elsheikh carry a potential death sentence, but US prosecutors have advised British officials that they will not seek the death penalty against Elsheikh or Kotey.

defence lawyer Ed MacMahon said: "It was horrific and senseless. None of that is in dispute.

"What is in dispute — and what you must decide — is whether Mr. Elsheikh bears any legal responsibility.

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