Britons were asked 'do they support deportations of illegal migrants' - the result will infuriate Keir Starmer

Migrants crossing the Channel

Majority of Britons want tougher measures to tackle illegal migration

GB News Reporter

By GB News Reporter

Published: 30/08/2024

- 11:29

Updated: 30/08/2024

- 12:12

You Gov polling data reveals an inconvenient truth for the Prime Minister

A new YouGov poll reveals that the British public is increasingly in favour of tougher measures to tackle illegal immigration, with a clear majority supporting an increase in deportations.

The YouGov data released this month shows the country is united across political lines, regions, and age groups in backing a more robust approach to dealing with those in the UK illegally.

A remarkable 67 per cent of adults said they would either strongly or tend to support the government increasing deportations of illegal immigrants.

This overwhelming endorsement reflects the growing frustration among voters who feel the current immigration system is too lenient and that tougher enforcement is long overdue.

These figures provide a clear mandate for the Labour government - one that Keir Starmer is continuing to brush under the carpet.

Border patrol boat arriving at DoverBorder patrol boat arriving at DoverGB News

Starmer has faced immigration riots and protests after the stabbing of 3 young girls in Southport and has vowed to 'stop the gangs' - but there has been little said on immigration - which is now seen as a top three issue of concern for the country - by the Prime Minister in his State of the Nation speech.

Voters are expecting more from the government, and this poll shows there is appetite for a firmer stance on deportations.

Unsurprisingly, support for increased deportations is particularly strong among Conservative voters.

Over 90 per cent of Tory supporters are in favour of ramping up deportations, with a significant majority (69 per cent) expressing strong support.

Labour voters are more divided, yet even among them, a slim majority of 52 per cent back the move, showing cross-party consensus on the issue.

This could put Starmer in a difficult position, as any attempt to appear soft on immigration risks alienating swathes of his own voter base.

Regional analysis shows high levels of support across the country, though the South of England and the Midlands are particularly in favour, with over 70 per cent backing the proposal.

Migration UK sentiment

Latest YouGov stats reveal sentiment around dealing with illegal migrants


Younger voters are less enthusiastic but still back the policy at a majority level, with 53 per cent of 18-24-year-olds in support compared to 76 per cent of over-65s.

On gender lines, men are slightly more supportive than women, with 72 per cent of men backing the idea versus 61 per cent of women. Among social grades, higher-income households are slightly more likely to support increased deportations compared to lower-income groups, though both show clear majorities in favour.

The 14 per cent who are undecided or oppose the policy are largely younger and left-leaning voters

However, with 67 per cent backing deportations, the message is clear.

This widespread support for tougher deportation policies sends a clear signal to the Prime Minister.

With immigration remaining a key issue for voters, it appears that the public wants action – and fast.

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