‘Should NOT take place!’ Henry Bolton OBE blasts Palestine Nov 11 march ‘provocation’ – ‘just shocking’

‘Should NOT take place!’ Henry Bolton OBE blasts Palestine Nov 11 march ‘provocation’ – ‘just shocking’

Henry Bolton blasts plans for an Armistice Day pro-Palestine march

Ben Chapman

By Ben Chapman

Published: 02/11/2023

- 18:12

Updated: 03/11/2023

- 15:35

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign announced plans to carry out the 'Million March for Palestine'

Henry Bolton OBE has hit out at plans to hold a pro-Palestine demonstration on Armistice Day, branding it a blatant “provocation”.

It comes as the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) announced plans to carry out the “Million March for Palestine” which could coincide with the two minute silence being held on November 11.

Former British Army officer Henry Bolton said the march “should not take place” on a day Britain will be paying tribute to its World War I heroes.

In a statement on social media, PSC called on its followers to use the coming weekend to “prepare” for the demonstration calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Henry Bolton

Henry Bolton has blasted plans to hold a pro-Palestine march on Armistice Day


“This march should not take place”, he said.

“Let’s recognise there is a huge amount of concern about civilian casualties, the collateral damage relating to the war that is going on in Gaza at the moment and indeed on Israel’s northern border with Hezbollah.


“Fundamentally, we have got to knowledge that while people have every right to express that, the idea that something is being organised with full knowledge it is likely to be perceived as a provocation, a challenge if you like to the British historical event of November 11 is shocking.

“If Sir Mark Rowley, the Commissioner of the Met Police, Westminster City Council and Sadiq Khan allow this to go ahead, I can only conclude they are supporting Hamas and these protests that are in effect, anti-Israel at the moment.”

It comes days after Home Secretary Suella Braverman dubbed the demonstrations “hate marches” as she called for more police action.

She demanded a “zero-tolerance approach to anti-semitism” after attending an emergency Cobra meeting chaired by Rishi Sunak on Monday.

Police officers and protesters clash in Trafalgar Square during a March for Palestine in LondonPolice officers and protesters clash in Trafalgar Square during a March for Palestine in LondonPA

Bolton continued by suggesting the protests have a sinister motive behind them.

He told Patrick Christys the demonstrators are not simply expressing concern for civilian casualties, and are “bringing Middle Eastern conflicts onto the streets of Great Britain”.

“Do not disturb one of the most sacred events on the British calendar. Don’t do it”, he said.

“They’ve had ample opportunity to make the feelings known, no doubt there will be other protests taking place.

“But on this day, on November 11, it is outrageous wondering whether or not it will be allowed to go ahead.

“The fact it’s being publicised suggests they already have the authority allowing it to happen. That authority needs to be rescinded.

“I think the British people will turn against this.”

Sadiq Khan has hit out at suggestions he is facilitating the protest, accusing his critics of “playing politics”.

He called on people considering protesting on Armistice Day to “understand the importance of that weekend to our entire country”.

Writing online, the group said: “On Saturday 4 November, join an action in your local area to call for a #CeasefireNOW and build for the next National march on November 11.”

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