Locals fuming after charity landlord puts entire STREET up for sale

WATCH: Neighbours at WAR

GB News
George Bunn

By George Bunn

Published: 01/11/2024

- 16:19

The road is set to be auctioned by the Canal and River Trust, who has owned Sharpness Dock for 150 years

A group of neighbours have been left fuming after one of the UK's biggest charities put the entire road up for sale.

The Canal and River Trust has put Dock Road in Sharpness, Gloucestershire under the hammer

According to property auction house Allsop, which is handling the sale, the single lot consists of 12 terrace houses, eight semi-detached and two detached properties.

However, despite the fact the trust said there was "no change to the residents' tenancy agreement", residents are concerned that a new owner would likely increase rents which would force them to leave.

\u200bDock Road in Sharpness, Gloucestershire

Dock Road in Sharpness, Gloucestershire

Google Maps

Amanda Cawston, 54, who has lived in the same house for almost three years with her husband and son, said: "We thought we would be here forever and now we don't know what the future holds.

"It is a shock - we have spent a lot of time getting the house the way we like. We might not be able to afford this home in the long term. It is a real concern. We have Christmas in the horizon. This is a lovely community and everybody gets along with each other."

Dave Morse, 78, who has been a resident for 25 years, said his biggest concern is that whoever takes the sale will increase the rent and "put a lot of dos and don'ts."

He added: "I would be sad to lose it here because I have done a lot of work inside and outside the house and I would be disappointed if I had to leave."


Residents have expressed concerns that they may be priced out

Residents have expressed concerns that they may be priced out

Google Maps

Suze Ashford-Barnes, 42, who has been living in the same street for seven years, claimed: "They couldn't sell the houses because of the sewage system. So when they started to fix the circular sewage system that meant the houses could be sold.

'If the prices go up - so be it really. We like living here as long as they fix the damp problem. We are fine with it because it is difficult to find anywhere else to rent. We like it and we accept that it is cheaper here and we don't intend to move anywhere else.

"The houses were built by hand by the dock workers - there is a lot of history. It is a real attachment for us - we are lucky to live here."

Another tenant, 37, who lives with her mum and kids, said: "It is a bit sad that they are auctioning if off and hopefully will have this mended and repaired. We worry that the cost we are renting might go up. We would have to move out if the rent goes up as we can't afford to pay it."

\u200bCanal and River Trust

The Canal and River Trust said they would keep in touch with residents


A spokesman for the Canal and River Trust said: "Our charity is in contact with residents about the sale of the properties along Dock Road. The sale will be via an auction at the beginning of November. Our intention is that all the cottages will be sold together as a single lot to a single buyer.

"We understand that a change of ownership might seem unsettling, but in practice, whilst there will be a change of owner there won't be a change to our resident's tenancies i.e. nobody is required to leave their home and the properties will be sold on the same terms as the tenants have in place.

"We'll keep in touch with our tenants as the sale process progresses."

Dock Road is due to be auctioned on November 7 with a guide price of £1.575million.