Gargantuan 20ft sinkhole opens in Scarborough - police confirm they're looking into it

Gargantuan 20ft sinkhole opens in Scarborough - police confirm they're looking into it
Gareth Milner

By Gareth Milner

Published: 09/02/2022

- 10:14

Updated: 10/02/2022

- 12:57

Local recovery service Beacon Recovery Services said they had been called out on a number of occasions already.

A road in Scarborough has been closed after a gargantuan 20-ft deep sinkhole appeared.

Police in North Yorkshire tweeted that part of Stepney Road in Scarborough was closed due to a large sinkhole, from the Stepney Drive roundabout through to the junction at Seamer Moor Lane.

North Yorkshire Police said: "It's thought that a sewer has collapsed exposing a 15-20ft hole in the road surface. At the moment it is believed that no properties are at risk.

"At this stage it's not known how long the road will be closed for but road users are advised to avoid the area while it's assessed.

"Police and the Highways Agency are currently in attendance."

Local recovery service Beacon Recovery Services said they had been called out on a number of occasions already.

A Yorkshire Water spokesperson said: “Our investigations have identified damage to our sewer on Stepney Road, which caused a 2m x 1m hole in the road surface. Traffic management measures are currently in place to allow our teams to complete this repair safely.

“We will work hard to keep disruption to a minimum while the repairs are underway and will complete the work as soon as possible.”

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