'Police have TURNED THEIR backs on victims' Former Police Detective slams police treatment of low-level crime

Gabrielle Wilde

By Gabrielle Wilde

Published: 10/01/2024

- 19:37

Former Police Detective urged police to investigate more low-level crime

A former police detective has slammed the police after it has been revealed that police are using ‘robocop’ cameras in supermarket aisles to stop customers from stealing expensive booze.

Speaking to GBNews Peter Bleksley said: "I've got some concerns. If these video cameras spot somebody stealing something, it can let out a siren noise which goes up to 120 decibels.

"I'd be concerned for elderly people who are perhaps shopping, might be holding a bottle of wine or whiskey and looking at it, contemplating buying it.

"All of a sudden a huge great siren goes off deafening, a bottle of alcohol gets dropped on the floor and broken. Is Morrison's going to be any better off?

"Let's look at other crimes that the police have dismissively called low-level. Theft of a phone, theft of a bicycle, theft of a car, a house being burgled.

"Shoplifting of course, somebody becoming a victim of fraud. There are millions of those victims every year.

"The police have essentially turned their backs on victims of those types of crimes, and they've realized that they've become utterly irrelevant to millions of victims of crime.

"Therefore they do not command the respect of victims of crime, especially because they almost subcontract the investigation of those offenses back out to the victims, which is deeply offensive.

"In other words, do you know who did it? Have you got CCTV? Any chance of forensics at your house? Well, why don't you, the police, turn up and find out."

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