Gender-neutral toilet horror as 'Essex schoolgirls sexually assaulted'

School children walking

A police investigation has been launched into allegations that female pupils were sexually assaulted in a school's gender-neutral toilets

Georgina Cutler

By Georgina Cutler

Published: 29/06/2023

- 08:01

A teenage boy has been arrested in connection with the allegations

A police investigation has been launched into allegations that female pupils were sexually assaulted in a school's gender-neutral toilets.

Officers have arrested a teenage boy over four claims of “serious sexual assault” - three of which allegedly took place in the toilets used by both boys and girls - at the Essex school.

It comes just days before the Government is expected to release its transgender guidance for education settings.

The latest case has led MPs and campaigners questioning the safety of mixed sex toilets and changing rooms.

Gender neutral toilet

The latest case has led MPs and campaigners questioning the safety of mixed sex toilets and changing rooms


The school, which has not been named to protect the identity of the victims, did not conduct an impact assessment on the gender-neutral lavatories.

It could not confirm whether other lavatories which are designated male or female could be accessed on the basis of biological sex or a pupil’s gender identity because it does not have a written policy.

“Gender-neutral facilities are a threat to the safety of women and girls because they create a private space hidden from the public view where assaults cannot be witnessed," Miriam Cates, Tory MP and former teacher told The Telegraph.

“Whilst, of course, the vast majority of males do not mean females any harm, the few who do will inevitably seek to take advantage of the opportunity that gender-neutral facilities present to commit offences.

“I very much hope that the new DfE guidance will make clear that gender-neutral facilities are a safeguarding risk and should not be allowed in schools.”


Schools are required to provide separate toilets for children aged eight and over.

However, a recent report by the Policy Exchange think tank found that 28 per cent were failing to do so.

A number of concerns were raised about mixed-sex facilities after a female pupil was injured in Coventry when a schoolboy kicked open her door in unisex toilets.

The Essex school has one set of cubicles in an “open suite” but is not required by law to carry out an equality impact assessment on mixed-sex facilities.

An Essex Police spokesman said: “We are currently investigating reports of serious sexual assaults, which are believed to have occurred at a school in Essex.

Children raising their hand in class

The Essex school has one set of cubicles in an 'open suite' but is not required by law to carry out an equality impact assessment on mixed-sex facilities


“A boy under the age of 16 has been arrested and since been bailed with conditions.

“We are working closely with the school and local authorities whilst enquiries for this investigation continue”

Essex County Council said it was “working closely with Essex Police and relevant authorities regarding a safeguarding matter at a school in Essex”.

“We are supporting the leadership at the school and will provide additional support to the school community if required,” a spokesperson said.

“The school has communicated with parents and carers and has offered support.

“Due to the ongoing police investigation the school is unable to comment on specifics around what they are doing in response to the allegations.

"However the school takes all allegations extremely seriously and will always review policies and safeguarding procedures following safeguarding matters such as this.”