Emmanuel Macron's hairy chest could start new fashion as Brits admit to finding Frenchman 'sexy'

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Aden-Jay Wood

By Aden-Jay Wood

Published: 19/04/2022

- 09:23

Updated: 14/02/2023

- 11:27

The image was released just days before Mr Macron goes up against Marine Le Pen in the French Presidential election run-off vote

Emmanuel Macron’s hairy chest could spark the revival of an old fashion trend after Brits admitted to finding the Frenchman “sexy”.

Mr Macron released a series of informal photographs just days before the French Presidential election run-off vote against Marine Le Pen.

Among the photos was one of the French President smiling in an unbuttoned white shirt which revealed his chest hair.

Chest hair was peak fashion in the 1960s and 1970s, and was sported by several celebrities.

An image released of Emmanuel Macron raised a few eyebrows
An image released of Emmanuel Macron raised a few eyebrows
Soazig de la Moissonniere / @avecvousfr

Mr Macron faces Marine Le Pen in a French Presidential election run-off vote
Mr Macron faces Marine Le Pen in a French Presidential election run-off vote

While the look was very popular, it is thought that the fashion has since subsided.

But Mr Macron's picture set might just change that.

That’s because women find such a thing sexy, according to journalist Samantha Brick.

Ms Brick said: “Did I zoom in on the image? Mon Dieu! Guilty as charged.

“’Good Lord, have you seen the Macron pictures’ I texted one of my French friends.

“’I can’t stop looking — he’s got my vote’, she replied.

“This was no off-guard snap as his campaigners would have us believe. Macron knew exactly what he was doing when he released that photo. Clearly, it was entirely calculated."

Writing for the Daily Mail, she continued: “In the current French election, Macron and his rival Marine Le Pen are neck and neck in the polls. The gloves are off — or, in the case of Macron, the shirt is (nearly) off.

“He needs the female vote, and the simple truth is that Frenchwomen adore a hairy chest — and secretly many British ladies do, too. They don’t just find it masculine and sexy; they find it safe and reassuring — everything you want in a leader.

“I know from wine-fuelled chats with my midlife girlfriends that there is nothing more heavenly than snuggling up in bed and nuzzling into your other half’s hairy chest."