‘Got blood on his hands!’ GB News guests CLASH over Clapham attack suspect revelations

‘You’ve got blood on your hands!’ | GB News guests CLASH over Clapham chemical attack

GB News
Gabrielle Wilde

By Gabrielle Wilde

Published: 27/03/2024

- 08:52

Updated: 27/03/2024

- 08:53

The Clapham chemical attack suspect, Abdul Ezedi, was granted asylum by a judge who accepted he was a Christian convert despite concerns about his honesty, court documents have revealed

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A heated debate broke out on GB News today as broadcaster Paula London told immigration lawyer Ivan Sampson that he "has blood on his hands" after the latest revelations about the Clapham chemical attack.

At the beginning of the year it was revealed that a man who has thrown acid over a mother and her two young daughter was in fact an asylum seeker who had been granted asylum in the UK after his conversion to Christianity.

Prior to this he had been convicted of a sexual offence and was denied asylum twice.

Yesterday court documents revealed that he was granted asylum by a judge who accepted he was a Christian convert despite concerns about his honesty.

\u200bPaula London, Ivan Sampson

Paula London was left fuming and accused the immigration lawyer of having "blood on his hands"

GB News

Speaking on GB News, London said: "I'm not surprised by this news. It's despicable. I remember not so long ago, a guy in Liverpool tried to blow up the maternity hospital. He did that because he was upset because they didn't believe him when he pretended to be a convert.

"So many people are lying and they're just used to judges believing them and having lawyers believing them.

"Lawyers often tell them what to say and it's just disgusting. Something needs to change rapidly in this country because we have too many human rights lawyers. We have too many judges and all they seem to care about is the welfare of asylum seekers. They do not care about the safety of British people, and working taxpayers.

"We come secondary and whatever asylum seekers say is taken as gospel. This has been going on for decades."

Sampson questioned: "I'd be interested to know whether Paula has actually read the judgment. Because it was unusual for the court to release the judgment."

London fumed: "I am not surprised that you are making excuses for these men. You have blood on your hands, lawyers like you. I really am sick of it.

"You're always sticking up for these people. Even the man who tried to bomb a maternity hospital. Do you not think that's despicable? And you'll still have excuses for him?"

Abdul Ezedi

Abdul Ezedi's converted to Christianity and then his claim was approved

Metropolitan Police

Sampson responded: "I would be very careful making live broadcast accusations." And she claimed: "I don't have to be very careful."

The lawyer continued: "Well, let me tell you about the judgment because we want to look at what the courts consider as the evidence.

"A judge would have heard evidence from his side and although he found that some of it was not credible, on the whole he found his evidence to be consistent.

"The other part is the evidence was provided by the church with letters confirming that he was a genuine convert. There's also evidence photographic evidence of AZT giving out leaflets.

"I think he would have been he would have been cross-examined both by the Home Office and the judge as on whether his evidence was credible.

"On the whole, they found it was."