‘Why are you doing this?!’ Claire Fox says women are being ‘trolled’ as womb charity appoints trans CEO

‘Why are you doing this?!’ Claire Fox says women are being ‘trolled’ as womb charity appoints trans CEO

Claire Fox wades in on the decision

Ben Chapman

By Ben Chapman

Published: 14/11/2023

- 15:48

Updated: 15/11/2023

- 13:26

Endometriosis South Coast have faced criticism since announcing the appointment

Baroness Fox has hit out at a charity’s decision to hire a trans woman as its chief executive.

In a scathing rant on GB News, she suggested the charity are “trolling” women by giving 71-year-old Steph Richards the role.

Endometriosis South Coast have faced criticism since announcing the “exciting” appointment.

Claire Fox, who suffered with endometriosis herself, questioned how a trans woman could be in an authoritative position on the matter.

Claire Fox

Claire Fox has hit out at the decision


“They’ve appointed someone who has never had a womb”, she said.

“The criticism is, it’s impossible for someone who is born a male to suffer with endometriosis.



The charity has defended their decision


“I see this as worrying and insulting. The criticism has been met with the usual, ‘you’re transphobic’.

“Why are you doing this? It seems to me as if women are being trolled. You just think ‘what on Earth is going on?’”

A spokesperson from the charity said: “We are excited to share with you all that we welcome Steph to the team as our new CEO.

“Supporting to move forward with our missions as a charity - we are all grateful to have Steph on board.

"The vast majority of writing on endo overlooks the fact that endo is not a condition that only affects women"

The condition affects as many as one in 10 biological women or trans men who were born female.

Symptoms include pain in the pelvis and abdomen, extremely painful periods, trouble conceiving and a huge impact on sufferers that sometimes leads to depression.

Despite its commonality, many women struggle with symptoms and can be forced to wait decades for a diagnosis.

The charity’s new boss has previously suggested trans people can change their biological sex “a little bit”.

She has also boasted about running a “safe space” where men could dress up as women in secret, including as ‘schoolgirls”.

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