Christian lecturer sacked from Methodist college after saying 'homosexuality is invading the Church'

Cliff College

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George Bunn

By George Bunn

Published: 30/05/2024

- 07:33

Updated: 30/05/2024

- 07:42

Dr Aaron Edwards is claiming harassment, discrimination and unfair dismissal against Cliff College, Derbyshire

A tribunal has heard a Christian lecturer was sacked from Bible college after saying that homosexuality had "invaded" the church.

Dr Aaron Edwards lost his job at Cliff College, Derbyshire following a social media post in February last year.

The evangelical Christian and father-of-six posted: "Homosexuality is invading the Church. Evangelicals no longer see the severity of this because they’re busy apologising for their apparently barbaric homophobia, whether or not it’s true."

Cliff College suspended the 39-year-old and fired him following an investigation.

Aaron edwardsAaron Edwards has been criticised for his views about homosexualityTWITTER

On the second day of his tribunal in Sheffield, he told the court that the tweet was consistent with views he had expressed in blogs, podcasts and sermons he gave as a preacher.

He added that the college, where he had worked for seven years, was aware of these views, too.

Dr Edwards said the institute had informed him that three young female students had complained following the post.

The court heard that two of the students were in a lesbian relationship and the third had survived the Ariana Grande Manchester Arena terror attack, leaving her more likely to being triggered by certain words, such as "bomb".


\u200bDr Edwards

Dr Edwards

GB News

Dr Edwards told the hearing that his views on homosexuality within the church was well known but that the college offered no support following a backlash on social media.

He said: "I taught LGBT+ identifying students every year for seven years and have never had an accusation like views on homosexuality have not been unknown, they have been discussed openly.

"In seven years of teaching at Cliff, I have never had a student who took one of my units raise concerns about feeling unsafe in the classroom, and no student has ever left feedback showing concerns about the expression of my views on homosexuality."

At the time of his tweet, the Church of England was debating whether it should allow same-sex blessings in their churches.

He told the tribunal: "The College had more than enough opportunity to be familiar with my views and with my academic research for there to be less apparent shock and public disappointment from them in responding as they did on Twitter without any prior consultation with me.

"I believe the public expression of my beliefs is academically defensible, but many institutions will likely be unable to look past the controversy of being dismissed as a result."

Dr Edwards is claiming harassment, discrimination and unfair dismissal against Cliff College. He is seeking damages and compensation for unfair dismissal, and reinstatement.

The hearing continues in Sheffield.