Boris Johnson, Joe Biden and Scott Morrison agree deal for UK, US and Australia to work on hypersonic weapons

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Tom Evans

By Tom Evans

Published: 05/04/2022

- 19:38

Updated: 14/02/2023

- 11:54

The three allies reaffirmed their position amid accusations of Russian war crimes in Ukraine

Prime Minister Boris Johnson joined US President Joe Biden and Australian prime minister Scott Morrison in asserting the show of strength.

It comes amid the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, and accusations of war crimes thrown at the Kremlin.

The Australia-UK-US defence partnership, AUKUS, was an unprecedented move issued by the three allies.

A statement reads: "Today, the leaders of the Australia-UK-US (AUKUS) partnership – Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia, Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom, and President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. of the United States – assessed progress under AUKUS.

"We reaffirmed our commitment to AUKUS and to a free and open Indo-Pacific.

"In light of Russia’s unprovoked, unjustified, and unlawful invasion of Ukraine, we reiterated our unwavering commitment to an international system that respects human rights, the rule of law, and the peaceful resolution of disputes free from coercion."

The three also confirmed a commitment to work on hypersonic weapons.

He said: "We are pleased with the progress in our trilateral programme for Australia to establish a conventionally armed, nuclear‑powered submarine capability.

"We are fully committed to establishing a robust approach to sharing naval propulsion technology with Australia that strengthens the global non-proliferation regime.

"We also committed today to commence new trilateral cooperation on hypersonics and counter-hypersonics, and electronic warfare capabilities, as well as to expand information sharing and to deepen cooperation on defence innovation.

"These initiatives will add to our existing efforts to deepen cooperation on cyber capabilities, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, and additional undersea capabilities.

"As our work progresses on these and other critical defense and security capabilities, we will seek opportunities to engage allies and close partners."

Boris Johnson, Joe Biden and Scott Morrison
Boris Johnson, Joe Biden and Scott Morrison
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