Birmingham residents rage at council - ‘Amount of council tax they take!’

Birmingham residents rage at council - ‘Amount of council tax they take!’
Georgia Pearce

By Georgia Pearce

Published: 06/09/2023

- 08:53

Updated: 06/09/2023

- 14:57

Birmingham residents have expressed their outrage at the city’s council, after they declared bankruptcy.

Speaking to GB News reporter Will Hollis, locals told him of the anger they feel towards the council, as they announce plans to cut back several services.

One resident said: “I'm quite shocked about this, knowing the amount of council tax they take, the amount of property they own in Birmingham, they’re one of the largest City Councils in Europe. And I don't know I'm just, when I heard this I'm so surprised.”

Another said: “I'm concerned actually for the residents of Birmingham and also people who are, I mean, they're suffering financially at the moment and I'm not surprised.

“But after the Commonwealth Games and we were promised all that money and it's going to be great for the city, you know, what's happened.

“But I understand the reason why, because of the pay demands.”

Watch the reaction from Birmingham residents in full above.

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