DON'T KILL CASH! Join the GB News campaign to save our physical currency

Don't Kill Cash: Join the GB News campaign
The People's Channel is fighting to save the pound in your pocket and STOP financial exclusion
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Today GB News is launching its first ever campaign as we warn the UK Government and big business: Don't Kill Cash.
Britain is fast becoming a cashless society. In the wake of the Covid pandemic, more and more shops, cafes and pubs are choosing to only accept card payments.
And with the rise of Apple and Google Pay, vulnerable people who rely on cash are increasingly being left behind by the relentless march of technology. This financial exclusion has to stop.
More than five million adults still rely on cash in the UK and it’s used in six billion transactions every year, but there are strong vested interests pushing for it to be permanently replaced by debit and credit cards and other electronic payments.
These cost ordinary Britons more in the long-run and enable 3rd parties to track people and their spending.
Rishi Sunak refused to safeguard the future of cash in the House of Commons
PATwo weeks ago Prime Minister Rishi Sunak refused to look at amending legislation to ensure that businesses would be legally required to accept cash as a method of payment.
Asked in the House of Commons to give Britons the reassurances they need about the future of cash he simply said: "As technology and consumer behaviour changes, it is right that organisations themselves should be able to choose the forms of payment that they will accept."
Which is why the People's Channel is now taking up the mantle of fighting to save the future of our cash.
We are calling on the Government to introduce legislation committing to protect the status of cash as legal tender and as a widely accepted means of payment in the UK until at least 2050.
Half of Britons have had cash refused or discouraged
Research published by LINK in March found that nearly half of people - 45 per cent - had been somewhere that has not accepted or has discouraged the use of cash in the past two months.
The study also found that 49 per cent of people said being unable or being discouraged to pay in cash was inconvenient.
Moreover, 71 per cent Britons surveyed said that they had used cash within the last two weeks.
You can help GB News in ensuring the Government and businesses Don't Kill Cash by signing our petition.
Have you found yourself impacted by the cashless society? Email in and let us know your stories